The Playground is a test area where you can experiment with FundsLibrary’s Data API. Have a go! Write your own query in the box provided and press the GO! button. Alternatively, select any of the pre-written queries in the “Examples” section below.
[ { "Documents": { "Factsheets": { "ProfessionalClassAccurateDate": null, "ProfessionalClass": null, "PrivateClassAccurateDate": null, "PrivateClass": null, "ProfessionalUnitAccurateDate": null, "ProfessionalUnit": null, "PrivateUnitAccurateDate": null, "PrivateUnit": null, "PostSale": null, "PostSaleAccurateDate": null, "LatestPrivate": null, "LatestPrivateAccurateDate": null, "LatestProfessional": null, "LatestProfessionalAccurateDate": null }, "AlternativeLanguageFactsheets": [], "Kiids": { "FundUnit": "", "FundUnitSource": "REST", "FundUnitAccurateDate": "2022-02-14T00:00:01+00:00" }, "AlternativeLanguageKiids": [ { "Value": { "FundUnit": "", "FundUnitSource": "REST", "FundUnitAccurateDate": "2022-03-24T00:00:00+00:00" }, "Language": "en-CH" }, { "Value": { "FundUnit": "", "FundUnitSource": "REST", "FundUnitAccurateDate": "2022-03-24T00:00:00+00:00" }, "Language": "it-CH" }, { "Value": { "FundUnit": "", "FundUnitSource": "REST", "FundUnitAccurateDate": "2022-03-24T00:00:00+00:00" 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He graduated from the University of Southampton with a BSc in oceanography in 2001.", "Location": "london" } ], "AdministratorId": "IFDS", "AuthorisedCorporateDirector": null, "CustodianId": "State Street Bank and Trust Company", "RegistrarId": "IFDS", "TrusteeDepositoryId": "The National Westminster Bank plc", "ActivelyManaged": "Active", "InternalGroupCode": "96bd6ac0-5639-42de-9b59-6f3e873a9f53", "AbbreviatedGroupName": null, "GroupDealingTelNumber": "0800 328 3196", "GroupEnquiriesEmail": "", "GroupFaxNumber": null, "GroupAddress": "10 Fenchurch Avenue\nLondon \nEC3M 5AG \nUnited Kingdom", "GroupHomepage": "", "GroupTelNumber": "0800 390 390", "GroupEtf": false, "GroupLongName": "M&G Investments", "GroupMenuName": null, "GroupShortName": "M&G", "UnderlyingGroupShortName": "M&G", "GroupType": null, "GroupLogo": "", "FcaAcdReference": 122057, "ContractConfirmationContact": null, "PriceFileContact": "State Street Bank and Trust Company", "IssuingCompany": null, "FundCommentary": null, 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"b759ce77-f469-4884-bcb5-efeaeec11872", "Name": "Iain Campbell", "Photo": "", "PositionWithinTeam": null, "StartDate": "2014-10-01T00:00:00+00:00", "Role": "Team", "Bio": "Iain joined Baillie Gifford in 2004 and became a partner of Baillie Gifford & Co. In 2020. He is a member of the Japanese Specialist Team. Most of Iain’s investment career has been focused on Emerging and Developed Asian markets. He has responsibility for managing various specialist Developed Asia, including Japan, portfolios and is also a member of the International All Cap Portfolio Construction Group. He became a Partner of the firm in 2020. Prior to joining Baillie Gifford, Iain worked for Goldman Sachs as an analyst in the Investment Banking division. He graduated BA in Modern History from the University of Oxford in 2000.", "Location": "Edinburgh" }, { "Id": "151cb3ab-2594-4734-8c5b-093e14a6e658", "Name": "Mirbahram Azimbayli", "Photo": "", "PositionWithinTeam": null, "StartDate": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", "Role": "Team", "Bio": "Mirbahram is an investment manager in the Japanese Equities Team. He is a manager of various specialist Developed Asia portfolios. He joined Baillie Gifford in 2018. Prior to joining the team, Mirbahram spent time working in the Global Alpha and Global Income Growth teams at Baillie Gifford. He graduated BSc in International Relations from the Middle East Technical University (METU) in 2016 and an MPhil in Russian and East European Studies from the University of Oxford in 2018.", "Location": "UK" } ], "AdministratorId": "Internal", "AuthorisedCorporateDirector": "Baillie Gifford & Co Limited", "CustodianId": "Bank of New York Mellon Trust & Depositary Co. 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1.289937 }, { "Name": "Non-Renewable Energy", "Code": "60101000", "Percentage": 1.198671 }, { "Name": "Technology Hardware & Equipment", "Code": "10102000", "Percentage": 1.098174 }, { "Name": "Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology", "Code": "20103000", "Percentage": 0.968858 }, { "Name": "Electricity", "Code": "65101000", "Percentage": 0.916959 }, { "Name": "Industrial Transportation", "Code": "50206000", "Percentage": 0.877381 }, { "Name": "Retailers", "Code": "40401000", "Percentage": 0.872074 }, { "Name": "Personal Care, Drug & Grocery Stores", "Code": "45201000", "Percentage": 0.754265 }, { "Name": "Telecommunications Service Providers", "Code": "15102000", "Percentage": 0.64795 }, { "Name": "Industrial Support Services", "Code": "50205000", "Percentage": 0.635169 }, { "Name": "Gas, Water & Multi-utilities", "Code": "65102000", "Percentage": 0.615132 }, { "Name": "Travel & Leisure", "Code": "40501000", "Percentage": 0.565571 }, { "Name": "Life Insurance", "Code": "30301000", "Percentage": 0.509683 }, { "Name": "Industrial Metals & Mining", "Code": "55102000", "Percentage": 0.506513 }, { "Name": "General Industrials", "Code": "50203000", "Percentage": 0.496756 }, { "Name": "Non-life Insurance", "Code": "30302000", "Percentage": 0.484309 }, { "Name": "Automobiles & Parts", "Code": "40101000", "Percentage": 0.482236 }, { "Name": "Real Estate Investment & Services", "Code": "35101000", "Percentage": 0.425345 }, { "Name": "Beverages", "Code": "45101000", "Percentage": 0.415861 }, { "Name": "Electronic & Electrical Equipment", "Code": "50202000", "Percentage": 0.413496 }, { "Name": "Media", "Code": "40301000", "Percentage": 0.390526 }, { "Name": "Industrial Engineering", "Code": "50204000", "Percentage": 0.365113 }, { "Name": "Aerospace & Defence", "Code": "50201000", "Percentage": 0.346251 }, { "Name": "Construction & Materials", "Code": "50101000", "Percentage": 0.330474 }, { "Name": "Telecommunications Equipment", "Code": "15101000", "Percentage": 0.314471 }, { "Name": "Chemicals", "Code": "55201000", "Percentage": 0.305482 }, { "Name": "Food Producers", "Code": "45102000", "Percentage": 0.283398 }, { "Name": "Finance & Credit Services", "Code": "30201000", "Percentage": 0.268024 }, { "Name": "Household Goods & Home Construction", "Code": "40202000", "Percentage": 0.234169 }, { "Name": "Medical Equipment & Services", "Code": "20102000", "Percentage": 0.227313 }, { "Name": "Personal Goods", "Code": "40204000", "Percentage": 0.168307 }, { "Name": "Precious Metals & Mining", "Code": "55103000", "Percentage": 0.159489 }, { "Name": "Leisure Goods", "Code": "40203000", "Percentage": 0.154239 }, { "Name": "Health Care Providers", "Code": "20101000", "Percentage": 0.122387 }, { "Name": "Consumer Services", "Code": "40201000", "Percentage": 0.108173 }, { "Name": "Industrial Materials", "Code": "55101000", "Percentage": 0.04957 }, { "Name": "Tobacco", "Code": "45103000", "Percentage": 0.039045 }, { "Name": "Renewable Energy", "Code": "60102000", "Percentage": 0.034436 }, { "Name": "Waste & Disposal Services", "Code": "65103000", "Percentage": 0.018591 }, { "Name": "Nonequity Investment Instruments", "Code": "30205000", "Percentage": 0.002393 }, { "Name": "Commodities", "Code": "CCCC", "Percentage": 0.000118 }, { "Name": "Bonds", "Code": "ZZZZ", "Percentage": 46.983975 }, { "Name": "Managed Funds", "Code": "YYYY", "Percentage": 0.759053 }, { "Name": "Cash and Equivalents", "Code": "XXXX", "Percentage": 4.057529 } ], "SubsectorCode": [ { "Name": "Non-Classified", "Code": "0000", "Percentage": 10.754623 }, { "Name": "Alternative Trading Strategies", "Code": "AATS", "Percentage": 9.449964 }, { "Name": "Banks", "Code": "30101010", "Percentage": 2.6554 }, { "Name": "Property", "Code": "WWWW", "Percentage": 2.287582 }, { "Name": "Equity Investment Instruments", "Code": "30204000", "Percentage": 2.123531 }, { "Name": "Conventional Electricity", "Code": "65101015", "Percentage": 0.889494 }, { "Name": "Pharmaceuticals", "Code": "20103015", "Percentage": 0.862627 }, { "Name": "Asset Managers & Custodians", "Code": "30202010", "Percentage": 0.833142 }, { "Name": "Consumer Digital Services", "Code": "10101020", "Percentage": 0.789039 }, { "Name": "Semiconductors", "Code": "10102010", "Percentage": 0.741722 }, { "Name": "Telecommunications Services", "Code": "15102015", "Percentage": 0.613545 }, { "Name": "Integrated Oil & Gas", "Code": "60101000", "Percentage": 0.518162 }, { "Name": "Life Insurance", "Code": "30301010", "Percentage": 0.509683 }, { "Name": "Diversified Retailers", "Code": "40401010", "Percentage": 0.504013 }, { "Name": "Railroads", "Code": "50206020", "Percentage": 0.421813 }, { "Name": "Multi-Utilities", "Code": "65102000", "Percentage": 0.419775 }, { "Name": "Software", "Code": "10101015", "Percentage": 0.407199 }, { "Name": "Pipelines", "Code": "60101035", "Percentage": 0.358439 }, { "Name": "Food Retailers & Wholesalers", "Code": "45201010", "Percentage": 0.347017 }, { "Name": "Automobiles", "Code": "40101020", "Percentage": 0.338552 }, { "Name": "Computer Services", "Code": "10101010", "Percentage": 0.32216 }, { "Name": "Telecommunications Equipment", "Code": "15101010", "Percentage": 0.314471 }, { "Name": "Real Estate Holding and Development", "Code": "35101010", "Percentage": 0.311339 }, { "Name": "Investment Services", "Code": "30202015", "Percentage": 0.304688 }, { "Name": "Diversified Industrials", "Code": "50203000", "Percentage": 0.303245 }, { "Name": "Diversified REITs", "Code": "35102000", "Percentage": 0.269637 }, { "Name": "Food Products", "Code": "45102020", "Percentage": 0.267829 }, { "Name": "General Mining", "Code": "55102000", "Percentage": 0.265051 }, { "Name": "Property & Casualty Insurance", "Code": "30302025", "Percentage": 0.24951 }, { "Name": "Electrical Components", "Code": "50202010", "Percentage": 0.246991 }, { "Name": "Industrial REITs", "Code": "35102020", "Percentage": 0.244332 }, { "Name": "Personal Products", "Code": "45201020", "Percentage": 0.239296 }, { "Name": "Professional Business Support Services", "Code": "50205020", "Percentage": 0.233727 }, { "Name": "Hotels & Motels", "Code": "40501025", "Percentage": 0.201048 }, { "Name": "Chemicals: Diversified", "Code": "55201000", "Percentage": 0.199512 }, { "Name": "Industrial Suppliers", "Code": "50205010", "Percentage": 0.186693 }, { "Name": "Defense", "Code": "50201020", "Percentage": 0.180284 }, { "Name": "Transportation Services", "Code": "50206060", "Percentage": 0.176819 }, { "Name": "Specialty Retailers", "Code": "40401030", "Percentage": 0.173008 }, { "Name": "Medical Equipment", "Code": "20102010", "Percentage": 0.171686 }, { "Name": "Home Construction", "Code": "40202010", "Percentage": 0.169363 }, { "Name": "Containers & Packaging", "Code": "50203030", "Percentage": 0.167246 }, { "Name": "Aerospace", "Code": "50201010", "Percentage": 0.165966 }, { "Name": "Publishing", "Code": "40301030", "Percentage": 0.157699 }, { "Name": "Soft Drinks", "Code": "45101020", "Percentage": 0.152554 }, { "Name": "Diversified Financial Services", "Code": "30202000", "Percentage": 0.152107 }, { "Name": "Distillers & Vintners", "Code": "45101015", "Percentage": 0.151566 }, { "Name": "Financial Data & Systems", "Code": "30201030", "Percentage": 0.147582 }, { "Name": "Retail REITs", "Code": "35102045", "Percentage": 0.147218 }, { "Name": "Computer Hardware", "Code": "10102030", "Percentage": 0.146837 }, { "Name": "Auto Parts", "Code": "40101025", "Percentage": 0.143684 }, { "Name": "Iron & Steel", "Code": "55102010", "Percentage": 0.143226 }, { "Name": "Gold Mining", "Code": "55103025", "Percentage": 0.140699 }, { "Name": "Media Agencies", "Code": "40301020", "Percentage": 0.13764 }, { "Name": "Residential REITs", "Code": "35102040", "Percentage": 0.135221 }, { "Name": "Machinery: Industrial", "Code": "50204000", "Percentage": 0.127801 }, { "Name": "Building Materials: Other", "Code": "50101035", "Percentage": 0.123656 }, { "Name": "Marine Transportation", "Code": "50206030", "Percentage": 0.119894 }, { "Name": "Restaurants & Bars", "Code": "40501040", "Percentage": 0.117428 }, { "Name": "Oil: Crude Producers", "Code": "60101010", "Percentage": 0.117208 }, { "Name": "Office REITs", "Code": "35102030", "Percentage": 0.116192 }, { "Name": "Infrastructure REITs", "Code": "35102025", "Percentage": 0.114295 }, { "Name": "Real Estate Services", "Code": "35101015", "Percentage": 0.114006 }, { "Name": "Full Line Insurance", "Code": "30302010", "Percentage": 0.112454 }, { "Name": "Nondurable Household Products", "Code": "45201030", "Percentage": 0.112019 }, { "Name": "Brewers", "Code": "45101010", "Percentage": 0.111741 }, { "Name": "Water", "Code": "65102030", "Percentage": 0.111428 }, { "Name": "Apparel Retailers", "Code": "40401020", "Percentage": 0.111207 }, { "Name": "Transaction Processing Services", "Code": "50205015", "Percentage": 0.109167 }, { "Name": "Machinery: Construction & Handling", "Code": "50204020", "Percentage": 0.10749 }, { "Name": "Biotechnology", "Code": "20103010", "Percentage": 0.10623 }, { "Name": "Electronic Components", "Code": "10102015", "Percentage": 0.10352 }, { "Name": "Airlines", "Code": "40501010", "Percentage": 0.098402 }, { "Name": "Production Technology Equipment", "Code": "10102020", "Percentage": 0.097736 }, { "Name": "Other Specialty REITs", "Code": "35102070", "Percentage": 0.093582 }, { "Name": "Oil Refining and Marketing", "Code": "60101020", "Percentage": 0.088277 }, { "Name": "Oil Equipment & Services", "Code": "60101030", "Percentage": 0.087358 }, { "Name": "Health Care REITs", "Code": "35102010", "Percentage": 0.08426 }, { "Name": "Gas Distribution", "Code": "65102020", "Percentage": 0.083929 }, { "Name": "Home Improvement Retailers", "Code": "40401025", "Percentage": 0.083846 }, { "Name": "Construction", "Code": "50101010", "Percentage": 0.077556 }, { "Name": "Casinos & Gambling", "Code": "40501020", "Percentage": 0.077403 }, { "Name": "Consumer Lending", "Code": "30201020", "Percentage": 0.076713 }, { "Name": "Clothing & Accessories", "Code": "40204020", "Percentage": 0.076608 }, { "Name": "Health Care Management Services", "Code": "20101020", "Percentage": 0.075468 }, { "Name": "Storage REITs", "Code": "35102050", "Percentage": 0.075442 }, { "Name": "Cement", "Code": "50101030", "Percentage": 0.071994 }, { "Name": "Vending & Catering Service", "Code": "40201060", "Percentage": 0.071398 }, { "Name": "Specialty Chemicals", "Code": "55201020", "Percentage": 0.069683 }, { "Name": "Electronic Equipment: Control & Filter", "Code": "50202020", "Percentage": 0.069358 }, { "Name": "Business Training & Employment Agencies", "Code": "50205025", "Percentage": 0.066598 }, { "Name": "Electronic Equipment: Gauges & Meters", "Code": "50202025", "Percentage": 0.06577 }, { "Name": "Machinery: Engines", "Code": "50204030", "Percentage": 0.065478 }, { "Name": "Reinsurance", "Code": "30302020", "Percentage": 0.06345 }, { "Name": "Consumer Electronics", "Code": "40203010", "Percentage": 0.061656 }, { "Name": "Radio & TV Broadcasters", "Code": "40301035", "Percentage": 0.060209 }, { "Name": "Luxury Items", "Code": "40204030", "Percentage": 0.059392 }, { "Name": "Insurance Brokers", "Code": "30302015", "Percentage": 0.058895 }, { "Name": "Travel & Tourism", "Code": "40501015", "Percentage": 0.057459 }, { "Name": "Drug Retailers", "Code": "45201015", "Percentage": 0.055933 }, { "Name": "Delivery Services", "Code": "50206040", "Percentage": 0.055708 }, { "Name": "Household Appliance", "Code": "40202020", "Percentage": 0.051594 }, { "Name": "Medical Supplies", "Code": "20102015", "Percentage": 0.04992 }, { "Name": "Commercial Vehicles & Parts", "Code": "50206015", "Percentage": 0.046045 }, { "Name": "Commercial Vehicle-Equipment Leasing", "Code": "50206050", "Percentage": 0.045943 }, { "Name": "Mortgage Finance", "Code": "30201025", "Percentage": 0.043729 }, { "Name": "Machinery: Tools", "Code": "50204040", "Percentage": 0.040792 }, { "Name": "Copper", "Code": "55102040", "Percentage": 0.040417 }, { "Name": "Tobacco", "Code": "45103010", "Percentage": 0.039045 }, { "Name": "Security Services", "Code": "50205040", "Percentage": 0.038985 }, { "Name": "Building: Climate Control", "Code": "50101025", "Percentage": 0.037313 }, { "Name": "Consumer Services: Misc.", "Code": "40201070", "Percentage": 0.035495 }, { "Name": "Entertainment", "Code": "40301010", "Percentage": 0.034978 }, { "Name": "Cable Television Services", "Code": "15102010", "Percentage": 0.034405 }, { "Name": "Electronic Entertainment", "Code": "40203040", "Percentage": 0.032003 }, { "Name": "Health Care Facilities", "Code": "20101010", "Percentage": 0.031953 }, { "Name": "Renewable Energy Equipment", "Code": "60102020", "Percentage": 0.030531 }, { "Name": "Paper", "Code": "55101015", "Percentage": 0.030228 }, { "Name": "Metal Fabricating", "Code": "55102015", "Percentage": 0.028641 }, { "Name": "Aluminum", "Code": "55102035", "Percentage": 0.027517 }, { "Name": "Coal", "Code": "60101040", "Percentage": 0.027499 }, { "Name": "Alternative Electricity", "Code": "65101010", "Percentage": 0.027465 }, { "Name": "Fertilizers", "Code": "55201015", "Percentage": 0.023533 }, { "Name": "Recreational Vehicles & Boats", "Code": "40203055", "Percentage": 0.022281 }, { "Name": "Machinery: Specialty", "Code": "50204050", "Percentage": 0.020724 }, { "Name": "Diversified Materials", "Code": "55101000", "Percentage": 0.019343 }, { "Name": "Platinum & Precious Metals", "Code": "55103030", "Percentage": 0.01879 }, { "Name": "Waste & Disposal Services", "Code": "65103035", "Percentage": 0.018591 }, { "Name": "Toys", "Code": "40203045", "Percentage": 0.017844 }, { "Name": "Electronic Equipment: Pollution Control", "Code": "50202030", "Percentage": 0.01709 }, { "Name": "Cosmetics", "Code": "40204035", "Percentage": 0.016907 }, { "Name": "Timber REITs", "Code": "35102060", "Percentage": 0.01679 }, { "Name": "Hotel & Lodging REITs", "Code": "35102015", "Percentage": 0.016659 }, { "Name": "Footwear", "Code": "40204025", "Percentage": 0.015401 }, { "Name": "Health Care Services", "Code": "20101025", "Percentage": 0.014966 }, { "Name": "Photography", "Code": "40203060", "Percentage": 0.014881 }, { "Name": "Engineering & Contracting Services", "Code": "50101015", "Percentage": 0.014589 }, { "Name": "Electronic Equipment: Other", "Code": "50202040", "Percentage": 0.014286 }, { "Name": "Recreational Services", "Code": "40501030", "Percentage": 0.013831 }, { "Name": "Chemicals & Synthetic Fibers", "Code": "55201010", "Percentage": 0.012754 }, { "Name": "Farming, Fishing, Ranching & Plantations", "Code": "45102010", "Percentage": 0.01002 }, { "Name": "Plastics", "Code": "50203015", "Percentage": 0.009256 }, { "Name": "Glass", "Code": "50203020", "Percentage": 0.008926 }, { "Name": "Railroad Equipment", "Code": "50206025", "Percentage": 0.008721 }, { "Name": "Electronic Office Equipment", "Code": "10102035", "Percentage": 0.00836 }, { "Name": "Paints & Coatings", "Code": "50203010", "Percentage": 0.008083 }, { "Name": "Household Equipment & Products", "Code": "40202025", "Percentage": 0.007846 }, { "Name": "Medical Services", "Code": "20102020", "Percentage": 0.005707 }, { "Name": "Recreational Products", "Code": "40203050", "Percentage": 0.005575 }, { "Name": "Building, Roofing/Wallboard & Plumbing", "Code": "50101020", "Percentage": 0.005366 }, { "Name": "Household Furnishings", "Code": "40202015", "Percentage": 0.005365 }, { "Name": "Alternative Fuels", "Code": "60102010", "Percentage": 0.003904 }, { "Name": "Sugar", "Code": "45102035", "Percentage": 0.003296 }, { "Name": "Machinery: Agricultural", "Code": "50204010", "Percentage": 0.002829 }, { "Name": "Trucking", "Code": "50206010", "Percentage": 0.002437 }, { "Name": "Nonequity Investment Instruments", "Code": "30205000", "Percentage": 0.002393 }, { "Name": "Fruit & Grain Processing", "Code": "45102030", "Percentage": 0.002254 }, { "Name": "Offshore Drilling & Other Services", "Code": "60101015", "Percentage": 0.001728 }, { "Name": "Nonferrous Metals", "Code": "55102050", "Percentage": 0.001662 }, { "Name": "Education Services", "Code": "40201010", "Percentage": 0.000829 }, { "Name": "Rental & Leasing Services: Consumer", "Code": "40201040", "Percentage": 0.000451 }, { "Name": "Commodities", "Code": "CCCC", "Percentage": 0.000118 }, { "Name": "Diamonds & Gemstones", "Code": "55103020", "Percentage": 0.0 }, { "Name": "Bonds", "Code": "ZZZZ", "Percentage": 46.983975 }, { "Name": "Managed Funds", "Code": "YYYY", "Percentage": 0.759053 }, { "Name": "Cash and Equivalents", "Code": "XXXX", "Percentage": 4.057529 } ], "SupersectorCode": [ { "Name": "Non-Classified", "Code": "0000", "Percentage": 10.754623 }, { "Name": "Alternative Trading Strategies", "Code": "AATS", "Percentage": 9.449964 }, { "Name": "Financial Services", "Code": "30200000", "Percentage": 3.683886 }, { "Name": "Industrial Goods & Services", "Code": "50200000", "Percentage": 3.134166 }, { "Name": "Banks", "Code": "30100000", "Percentage": 2.6554 }, { "Name": "Technology", "Code": "10100000", "Percentage": 2.616572 }, { "Name": "Property", "Code": "WWWW", "Percentage": 2.287582 }, { "Name": "Real Estate", "Code": "35100000", "Percentage": 1.738974 }, { "Name": "Utilities", "Code": "65100000", "Percentage": 1.550681 }, { "Name": "Health Care", "Code": "20100000", "Percentage": 1.318557 }, { "Name": "Energy", "Code": "60100000", "Percentage": 1.233107 }, { "Name": "Insurance", "Code": "30300000", "Percentage": 0.993992 }, { "Name": "Telecommunications", "Code": "15100000", "Percentage": 0.962421 }, { "Name": "Retail", "Code": "40400000", "Percentage": 0.872074 }, { "Name": "Personal Care, Drug & Grocery Stores", "Code": "45200000", "Percentage": 0.754265 }, { "Name": "Food, Beverage & Tobacco", "Code": "45100000", "Percentage": 0.738304 }, { "Name": "Basic Resources", "Code": "55100000", "Percentage": 0.715572 }, { "Name": "Consumer Products & Services", "Code": "40200000", "Percentage": 0.664888 }, { "Name": "Travel & Leisure", "Code": "40500000", "Percentage": 0.565571 }, { "Name": "Automobiles & Parts", "Code": "40100000", "Percentage": 0.482236 }, { "Name": "Media", "Code": "40300000", "Percentage": 0.390526 }, { "Name": "Construction & Materials", "Code": "50100000", "Percentage": 0.330474 }, { "Name": "Chemicals", "Code": "55200000", "Percentage": 0.305482 }, { "Name": "Commodities", "Code": "CCCC", "Percentage": 0.000118 }, { "Name": "Bonds", "Code": "ZZZZ", "Percentage": 46.983975 }, { "Name": "Managed Funds", "Code": "YYYY", "Percentage": 0.759053 }, { "Name": "Cash and Equivalents", "Code": "XXXX", "Percentage": 4.057529 } ] }, "IaSector": [ { "Name": "Non-mutual", "Percentage": 11.84785 }, { "Name": "£ High Yield", "Percentage": 2.903141 }, { "Name": "Not Classified", "Percentage": 73.681143 }, { "Name": "Specialist", "Percentage": 1.236578 }, { "Name": "UK Direct Property", "Percentage": 0.290974 }, { "Name": "Equity-Financial", "Percentage": 0.012332 }, { 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"FundVerySevereGovernanceControversies": null, "GreenRevenue": null, "FundPollutionWasteThemeWeight": null, "FundToxicEmissionsWasteManagementScoreCoverage": null }, "Essentials": { "UnitRegistrationDetails": [], "BenchmarkDescription": "IA Mixed Investment 20-60% shares", "ClassCleanValue": true, "IaSector": "Volatility Managed", "AbiSector": null, "Objectives": "The Sub-fund aims to achieve long-term (in excess of 5 years) total return (the combination of income and growth of capital) by investing in a mix of assets from around the world and aims to limit the average volatility per annum over rolling 5 year periods to 10%. There is no guarantee the objective will be achieved over any time period and the actual volatility, at any time, may be higher or lower than 10%. Capital invested is at risk. There is no guarantee that the volatility target will be met and at any time the actual volatility may be higher or lower than the long-term target.", "InvestmentPolicy": null, "FundDomicile": "United Kingdom", "FundType": "OEIC", "IsaQualifying": true, "SippQualifying": true, "CashIsaQualifying": false, "ValuationFrequency": "Daily", "ValuationPoint": "12:00:00", "CompanySector": null, "CompanyIndustry": null, "MarketExchange": null, "AicSector": null, "AicMember": null, "AicAssetType": null, "PortfolioAssetTypePercentage": null, "CompanyIndex": null, "DealingDate": null, "ShareBuybackPolicy": null, "ShareBuybackPolicyDescription": null, "MinimumInvestment": null, "MaximumInvestment": null, "TopUpOffer": null, "AmountRaising": null, "SubscriptionLinkedToOtherVct": null, "OverAllotmentFacility": null, "OverAllotmentAmount": null, "ShareAllotmentFrequency": null, "SubscriptionOpen": null, "SubscriptionOpenDate": null, "SubscriptionCloseForTaxYear": null, "SubscriptionCloseDate": null, "FinalDateForReceiptOfApplications": null, "ApplicationsAcceptDate": null, "SubscriptionExtension": null, "SubscriptionExtensionCloseDate": null, "StockListingCurrency": null, "StockListingCurrencyCode": null, "AnnualReportingDate": "2000-10-31T00:00:00+00:00", "InterimReportingDate": "2000-04-30T00:00:00+00:00", "BenchmarkReplication": null, "ReplicationMethod": null, "LegalStructure": null, "RebalancingStructure": null, "CollateralStructure": null, "ExchangeProductType": null, "MaximumLendPercentage": null, "MaximumLendPercentageAccurateDate": null, "AverageLoanAmount": null, "AverageLoanAmountAccurateDate": null, "FundReturn": null, "LendingRevenueSplit": null, "ReportingStatus": "Does not Apply", "AssetUnderManagement": null, "RecommendedHoldingPeriod": null }, "Attributes": { "MultiManager": true, "IndexTracker": false, "Property": false, "Commodity": false, "ProtectedAbsoluteReturn": false, "Bric": false, "Bond": false, "Leverage": null, "Cash": null, "SingleAssetClass": null, "HigherVolatility": null, "InternallyManaged": null, "WithProfits": null, "AssetType": null, "ManagementStyle": null, "GlobalBond": null, "CorporateBonds": null, "Equities": null, "Gilts": null, "GuaranteedFunds": null, "MixedAsset": null, "SpecialistOther": null, "LifeStyle": null, "VctType": null, "Hedged": null, "CurrentlyStockLending": null, "PermittedStockLending": null, "IsPriip": true, "IsEthical": false }, "EtfAttributes": { "ProductConstructionMethod": null, "StockLendingAbility": false, "LegalStructure": null, "IndexRebalancingFrequency": null, "Leverage": null }, "LaunchDetails": { "ClassLaunchDate": null, "FundLaunchDate": "2010-01-22T00:00:00+00:00", "FundLaunchPrice": 1.0, "FundLaunchCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "FundLaunchCurrencyCode": "GBP", "UnitLaunchCurrency": null, "UnitLaunchCurrencyCode": null, "UnitLaunchDate": "2012-08-03T00:00:00+00:00", "UnitLaunchPrice": null, "PriceCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "PriceCurrencyCode": "GBP", "EstimatedOrdinaryShareLaunchNav": null, "AmountRaised": null, "AmountRaisedAsAtDate": null, "MaximumNumberOfOrdinarySharesOffered": null, "MaximumNumberOfOrdinarySharesInIssue": null }, "Identification": { "InternalFundCode": "7be706f8-e0d3-4e1c-b68f-4833c3508135", "ClassName": "Class R", "ClassType": "Retail", "ClassMinimalName": null, "BaseCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "BaseCurrencyCode": "GBP", "BloombergCode": null, "UnitType": "Accumulation", "InternalCode": null, "IsinCode": "GB00B79HRR68", "MexCode": "PUDAAK", "EpicCode": null, "ReutersCode": null, "SedolCode": "B79HRR6", "Citicode": "0ZGI", "NameAbbreviated": null, "Name": "Risk Managed Active 2", "NamePreferred": null, "UnitName": null, "CompanyRegistrationNumber": null, "LocalMarketCode": null, "SectorName": null, "FullName": "WS Prudential Risk Managed Active 2 Class R Accumulation", "FullNameSearch": "WS Prudential Risk Managed Active 2 Class R Accumulation", "ShortName": "Risk Managed Active 2 Class R Accumulation", "ProductId": null, "LegalUmbrellaName": null, "LegalSubFundName": null, "LegalClassName": null }, "Management": { "Team": [ { "Id": "2f6aef89-d2e4-4e1f-90ea-7158bd8252f3", "Name": "M&G Treasury & Investment Office", "Photo": "", "PositionWithinTeam": null, "StartDate": "2016-11-08T00:00:00+00:00", "Role": "Primary", "Bio": "The M&G Treasury and Investment Office (T&IO) is our team of in-house investment strategists and ‘manager of managers’ for Pru in the UK. They are independent of the various underlying asset management businesses within M&G plc and carry out various stages of the investment process including setting the strategic asset allocation, manager selection and oversight and portfolio management*. The team includes investment professionals with expertise in capital market research, investment strategy design, liability management, derivatives and portfolio management*.\n\n* M&G Investment Management Ltd are the investment managers for the WS Prudential Risk Managed Active and Risk Managed Passive Funds. They make the relevant adjustments to the portfolios based on T&IO recommendations.", "Location": "London" } ], "AdministratorId": "Link Fund Solutions Limited", "AuthorisedCorporateDirector": null, "CustodianId": "The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited", "RegistrarId": "Link Fund Solutions Limited", "TrusteeDepositoryId": "The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited", "ActivelyManaged": "Active", "InternalGroupCode": "c52c87b0-19da-463b-9f15-4202fb3cc8ba", "AbbreviatedGroupName": null, "GroupDealingTelNumber": "0344 3358936", "GroupEnquiriesEmail": "", "GroupFaxNumber": "0113 2246001", "GroupAddress": "PO Box 389, DARLINGTON, DL1 9UF", "GroupHomepage": "", "GroupTelNumber": "0345 9220044", "GroupEtf": false, "GroupLongName": "Waystone Management (UK) Limited", "GroupMenuName": null, "GroupShortName": "WS Prudential", "UnderlyingGroupShortName": "WS Prudential", "GroupType": null, "GroupLogo": "", "FcaAcdReference": null, "ContractConfirmationContact": null, "PriceFileContact": null, "IssuingCompany": null, "FundCommentary": "</p><p>**December 2024 Investment Summary**</p><p>A negative month for the Active range with returns ranging from -0.87%* for Active 1 to -1.23%* for Active 5. <br>*P Acc share class with data sourced from FE analytics as at 31 December 2024.</p><p>December 2024 was a modest month for portfolios generally.</p><p>Most major equity markets sold off in December, with global stocks falling back from all-time highs. Chinese stocks rose on increased expectations for monetary and fiscal stimulus. However, the S&P 500 stumbled, decreasing -2.4% in December, while the Nasdaq eked out gains at +0.8%. Sector specific performance saw all segments detract. The FTSE 100 fell -1.3%, with markets weighed down by higher than expected inflation and struggling economic growth. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was down by -0.4% this month.</p><p>Initially, risk markets rallied on the back of Donald Trump’s presidential victory, due to the implied relaxed regulatory policy framework and lower corporate taxes he has touted. 10 year US Government bond yields rising to 4.58% from 4.18% over the month, hovering at near eight month highs. The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates by a further 0.25% with the decision a ‘closer call’ than at previous meetings. Chair Jay Powell stating “from this point forward, it’s appropriate to move cautiously and look for progress on inflation” indicating fewer cuts than expected in 2025. Markets price a further 0.25% cut at the next meeting in January less than 3%.</p><p>US labour market government data showed payrolls increased by 256,000 in December, higher than analyst forecasts and highlights the current labour market’s resilience. US retail sales measuring the quantity of goods bought, rose slightly more than expected, while consumer confidence fell from Novembers seven-month high, as household expectations for business conditions and personal finances deteriorated, with the view the introduction of tariffs would increase the cost of living. Unemployment data decreased back to 4.1%, from November’s 4.2%.</p><p>Tensions in the Middle East and the prospect of further escalation in the region remain despite the US-brokered ceasefire that has taken effect in Lebanon. The Israeli military have since pushed deeper into Lebanon, striking what it says are Hezbollah fighters and military assets in southern Lebanon. Houthi officials have promised to continue their attacks on Israel and international shipping for as long as the war in Gaza continues. The conflicts impact remains limited on the global economy while assets such as Brent Crude, remained range-bound around $73/barrel in December.</p><p>Non US Central banks are striking more dovish tones, however cutting cycles have been rapidly reassessed in recent weeks, following stronger data, fiscal/policy uncertainty and some stickier inflation. A robust US economy, with the potential for increased spending and tax cuts, should be good for risk assets, but regional differentiation could be larger than usual. Heightened geo-political tensions remain a significant near-term risk.</p><p>**WS Prudential Risk Managed Active - Tactical asset allocation activity**</p><p>We currently have an equity overweight of +1.35%*, made up of a diversified basket across the US, UK, Asia and GEM. This is funded from small underweights in US Credit, European credit and cash. We also hold small overweight positions in US Treasuries, UK Gilts and Real Estate (REITs).", "IsFundCommentaryRequired": false, "FundCommentaryAccurateDate": "2025-01-14T14:24:00+00:00", "InvestmentPhilosophy": null, "FundDescription": null, "UnderlyingFundDescription": null, "InvestmentProcess": null }, "Regulatory": { "EusdEffectiveDate": "2013-05-01T00:00:00+00:00", "EusdStatus": "Within scope and exceeds 25% asset test of EU Savings Directive 2003/48/EC", "FcaRecognised": true, "DerivativesAllowed": "Yes - for EPM purposes", "RegulatoryStatus": "NURS" }, "Risks": { "ChargesToCapital": false, "ConcentratedPortfolio": false, "DepositorySolvency": false, "DerivativeExposure": true, "DirectProperty": true, "EmergingMarkets": true, "EthicalRestrictions": false, "ExchangeRate": false, "GearedInvestments": false, "HighYieldBonds": true, "HighRisk": false, "IncomeErodingGrowth": false, "Inflation": true, "LongTermInvestments": true, "BondIssuerSolvency": true, "Liquidity": false, "NewFundCharges": false, "Offshore": false, "PerformanceCharges": false, "ReturnsAreNotGuaranteed": true, "SectorSpecific": false, "SmallerCompanies": false, "TaxationTaxRelief": true, "UmbrellaLiabilities": true, "ValueOfInvestments": true }, "KiidExtraction": { "Kiids": null, "Srri": { "ValidatedSrri": 4 } }, "Dealing": { "SettlementBuyPeriod": 4, "SettlementSellPeriod": 4, "DecimalRounding": 2, "PricingBasis": "Forward", "RoundingUpDown": "Up", "ClassMinimumInvestment": 500, "ClassMinimumTopUp": 250, "ClassMinimumRegularSavings": 50, "ClassRegularSavingsAvailable": true, "ClassWrappedRegularSavingsGroup": null, "ClassUnwrappedRegularSavingsGroup": null, "ClassWrappedRegularSavingsPlatform": null, "ClassUnwrappedRegularSavingsPlatform": null, "ClassMinimumWithdrawal": 250, "ClassMinimumHolding": null, "MinimumWaived": null, "EmxDealing": null, "SwiftDealing": null, "FaxDealing": null, "PhoneDealing": null, "ApplicationFormRequired": null, "LowAssumedGrowthRate": null, "DeductionEffectLowGrowthRate": null, "HighAssumedGrowthRate": null, "DeductionEffectHighGrowthRate": null, "HasHigherGrowthRate": null, "AdvanceRedemptionNotice": false, "UnitRedemptionOrder": "First In First Out", "ValuationFrequency": "Daily", "ValuationDay": null, "ValuationLocalTime": "11:45:00", "ValuationCutOffTime": "12:00:00", "ValuationTimeZone": "Greenwich Mean Time, (GMT)" }, "BondAttributes": null, "Trading": null, "UnderlyingFundId": null, "AccurateDate": "2024-11-19T15:16:00+00:00" }, "IncomeData": { "IncomeDates": { "Unit": [], "Class": [], "Fund": [ { "AccountEndDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 11 }, "ExDividendDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 11 }, "IncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 31, "Month": 12 }, "FinalPayment": true } ], "VctDates": [], "NextIncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 31, "Month": 12 }, "ClassFirstIncomePaymentDate": null, "FundFirstIncomePaymentDate": null }, "IncomeDetails": { "UnitBasisXdivDateWkdHol": null, "UnitBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation": null, "UnitIncomeFrequency": null, "UnitIncomeTreatment": null, "ClassBasisXdivDateWkdHol": null, "ClassBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation": null, "ClassIncomeFrequency": null, "ClassIncomeTreatment": null, "FundBasisXdivDateWkdHol": null, "FundBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation": null, "FundIncomeFrequency": "Annually", "FundIncomeTreatment": "Dividend", "Guarantee": null, "IncomeFrequency": null, "ClassPaymentBasis": "Net" }, "Yields": { "Bond": null, "Equity": { "HistoricYield": 1.4657, "YieldDate": null, "ChargesToCapital": null, "CapitalChargesDistributionIncrease": null, "DividendYield": null, "AccurateDate": "2023-02-09T09:00:00+00:00" }, "RelevantYield": 1.4657, "Type": "Equity", "AccurateDate": "2023-02-09T09:00:00+00:00" }, "IncomeDistributions": { "IncomeDistribution": [] }, "AccurateDate": "2023-02-09T09:00:00+00:00" }, "PerformanceData": null, "MifidData": { "EmtData": [], "EmtV3Data": [], "EmtV31Data": [], "EmtV4Data": [], "EmtV41Data": [], "EmtV42Data": [], 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"Name": "Euro", "Percentage": 4.90881 }, { "Code": "GBP", "Name": "Pound Sterling", "Percentage": 27.907933 }, { "Code": "PEN", "Name": "Nuevo Sol", "Percentage": 2.39459 }, { "Code": "RUB", "Name": "Russian Ruble", "Percentage": 7.556581 } ], "DebtMaturity": [ { "Name": "pc_5yr_lt", "Percentage": 45.31 }, { "Name": "pc_5yr", "Percentage": 19.39 }, { "Name": "pc_10yr", "Percentage": 3.72 }, { "Name": "pc_15yr", "Percentage": 11.53 }, { "Name": "pc_debt_cash", "Percentage": 18.92 }, { "Name": "pc_debt_other", "Percentage": 0.48 }, { "Name": "pc_debt_unknown", "Percentage": 0.65 } ], "DebtQuality": [ { "Name": "debt_aaa_pc", "Percentage": 1.94 }, { "Name": "debt_aa_pc", "Percentage": 3.25 }, { "Name": "debt_a_pc", "Percentage": 8.69 }, { "Name": "debt_bbb_pc", "Percentage": 5.24 }, { "Name": "debt_bb_pc", "Percentage": 11.42 }, { "Name": "debt_b_pc", "Percentage": 4.97 }, { "Name": "debt_ccc_pc", "Percentage": 0.0 }, { "Name": "debt_d_pc", "Percentage": 0.0 }, { "Name": "debt_nr_pc", 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There is no guarantee that all capital invested in the Fund will be returned.", "InvestmentPolicy": null, "FundDomicile": "United Kingdom", "FundType": "OEIC", "IsaQualifying": true, "SippQualifying": true, "CashIsaQualifying": false, "ValuationFrequency": "Daily", "ValuationPoint": "12:00:00", "CompanySector": null, "CompanyIndustry": null, "MarketExchange": null, "AicSector": null, "AicMember": null, "AicAssetType": null, "PortfolioAssetTypePercentage": null, "CompanyIndex": null, "DealingDate": null, "ShareBuybackPolicy": null, "ShareBuybackPolicyDescription": null, "MinimumInvestment": null, "MaximumInvestment": null, "TopUpOffer": null, "AmountRaising": null, "SubscriptionLinkedToOtherVct": null, "OverAllotmentFacility": null, "OverAllotmentAmount": null, "ShareAllotmentFrequency": null, "SubscriptionOpen": null, "SubscriptionOpenDate": null, "SubscriptionCloseForTaxYear": null, "SubscriptionCloseDate": null, "FinalDateForReceiptOfApplications": null, "ApplicationsAcceptDate": null, "SubscriptionExtension": null, "SubscriptionExtensionCloseDate": null, "StockListingCurrency": null, "StockListingCurrencyCode": null, "AnnualReportingDate": "2000-05-31T00:00:00+00:00", "InterimReportingDate": "2000-11-30T00:00:00+00:00", "BenchmarkReplication": null, "ReplicationMethod": null, "LegalStructure": null, "RebalancingStructure": null, "CollateralStructure": null, "ExchangeProductType": null, "MaximumLendPercentage": null, "MaximumLendPercentageAccurateDate": null, "AverageLoanAmount": null, "AverageLoanAmountAccurateDate": null, "FundReturn": null, "LendingRevenueSplit": null, "ReportingStatus": "Does not Apply", "AssetUnderManagement": null, "RecommendedHoldingPeriod": null }, "Attributes": { "MultiManager": false, "IndexTracker": false, "Property": false, "Commodity": false, "ProtectedAbsoluteReturn": false, "Bric": false, "Bond": true, "Leverage": null, "Cash": null, "SingleAssetClass": null, "HigherVolatility": null, "InternallyManaged": null, "WithProfits": null, "AssetType": null, "ManagementStyle": null, "GlobalBond": null, "CorporateBonds": null, "Equities": null, "Gilts": null, "GuaranteedFunds": null, "MixedAsset": null, "SpecialistOther": null, "LifeStyle": null, "VctType": null, "Hedged": false, "CurrentlyStockLending": null, "PermittedStockLending": null, "IsPriip": true, "IsEthical": null }, "EtfAttributes": { "ProductConstructionMethod": null, "StockLendingAbility": false, "LegalStructure": null, "IndexRebalancingFrequency": null, "Leverage": null }, "LaunchDetails": { "ClassLaunchDate": null, "FundLaunchDate": "2005-10-10T00:00:00+00:00", "FundLaunchPrice": 1.0, "FundLaunchCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "FundLaunchCurrencyCode": "GBP", "UnitLaunchCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "UnitLaunchCurrencyCode": "GBP", "UnitLaunchDate": "2012-05-02T00:00:00+00:00", "UnitLaunchPrice": 1.0, "PriceCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "PriceCurrencyCode": "GBP", "EstimatedOrdinaryShareLaunchNav": null, "AmountRaised": null, "AmountRaisedAsAtDate": null, "MaximumNumberOfOrdinarySharesOffered": null, "MaximumNumberOfOrdinarySharesInIssue": null }, "Identification": { "InternalFundCode": "4c9540ad-691a-4700-9adb-f05764e93e76", "ClassName": "Class I", "ClassType": "Institutional", "ClassMinimalName": null, "BaseCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "BaseCurrencyCode": "GBP", "BloombergCode": "INTRI:NI", "UnitType": "Income", "InternalCode": null, "IsinCode": "GB00B71DHL68", "MexCode": "YFIAAD", "EpicCode": null, "ReutersCode": null, "SedolCode": "B71DHL6", "Citicode": "12GO", "NameAbbreviated": null, "Name": "Target Return Bond (CLOSED)", "NamePreferred": null, "UnitName": null, "CompanyRegistrationNumber": null, "LocalMarketCode": null, "SectorName": null, "FullName": "Ninety One Target Return Bond (CLOSED) Class I Income", "FullNameSearch": "Ninety One Target Return Bond (CLOSED) Class I Income", "ShortName": "Target Return Bond (CLOSED) Class I Income", "ProductId": null, "LegalUmbrellaName": null, "LegalSubFundName": null, "LegalClassName": null }, "Management": { "Team": [ { "Id": "0f6674d7-2308-46e0-bca1-31148b8b7c4f", "Name": "Imran Ahmad", "Photo": null, "PositionWithinTeam": null, "StartDate": "2018-09-28T00:00:00+00:00", "Role": "Primary", "Bio": "Imran is Co-Head of Developed Market FX & Rates at Investec Asset Management. He is responsible for Absolute Return Multi-Asset Strategies, including the Investec Target Return Bond Fund, and is a member of the Foreign Exchange & Rates and Macro research groups. Prior to joining the firm, Imran was a portfolio manager at Aberdeen Standard, and before that he was a portfolio manager at JPMorgan Asset Management. His stint as global emerging markets strategist at Royal Bank of Scotland included periods based in London, China and New York. Imran holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from University of London and a Master of Philosophy in Technology Policy from University of Cambridge. He was a research assistant at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and holds the Investment Management Certificate.", "Location": "TBC" }, { "Id": "30f2d82f-07ef-4783-9860-0b5ae78dafee", "Name": "Russell Silberston", "Photo": "", "PositionWithinTeam": null, "StartDate": "2016-02-01T00:00:00+00:00", "Role": "Primary", "Bio": "Russell is the Co-Head of Developed Market FX & Rates, with primary responsibility for managing active interest rate and currency decisions in developed markets. Prior to joining Investec Asset Management, Russell worked for Cazenove Fund Management where he was a fixed income portfolio manager responsible for sterling treasury management services and UK, US and euro short interest rate forecasts. Before joining Cazenove in 2001, Russell worked for Investec Asset Management where his responsibilities included running multi-currency money market funds and non-sterling short-dated cash plus products. Prior to that, Russell worked for Investec Bank where he ran a proprietary trading desk. From 1986 to 1995 Russell worked for Clive Discount Co. Ltd. where he traded a wide variety of on and off-balance sheet instruments. Russell started his City career at Samuel Montagu & Co. in 1982.", "Location": "London" } ], "AdministratorId": "DST Financial Services Europe", "AuthorisedCorporateDirector": null, "CustodianId": "State Street Bank and Trust Company", "RegistrarId": "DST Financial Services Europe", "TrusteeDepositoryId": "State Street Trustees Limited", "ActivelyManaged": "Active", "InternalGroupCode": "f8fb8fd3-4055-4d53-8299-dbe40fa01820", "AbbreviatedGroupName": null, "GroupDealingTelNumber": "+44 (0) 203 938 1900", "GroupEnquiriesEmail": "", "GroupFaxNumber": "+44 (0) 203 938 1900", "GroupAddress": "55 Gresham Street\nLondon\nEC2V 7QP", "GroupHomepage": "", "GroupTelNumber": "+44 (0) 203 938 1900", "GroupEtf": false, "GroupLongName": "Ninety One", "GroupMenuName": null, "GroupShortName": "Ninety One", "UnderlyingGroupShortName": "Ninety One", "GroupType": null, "GroupLogo": "", "FcaAcdReference": 145007, "ContractConfirmationContact": "DST Financial Services Europe", "PriceFileContact": "State Street Bank and Trust Company", "IssuingCompany": null, "FundCommentary": null, "IsFundCommentaryRequired": false, "FundCommentaryAccurateDate": "2019-03-31T09:00:00+00:00", "InvestmentPhilosophy": null, "FundDescription": null, "UnderlyingFundDescription": null, "InvestmentProcess": null }, "Regulatory": { "EusdEffectiveDate": null, "EusdStatus": "Within scope and exceeds 25% asset test of EU Savings Directive 2003/48/EC", "FcaRecognised": true, "DerivativesAllowed": "Yes - for both investment purposes and EPM purposes", "RegulatoryStatus": "UCITs" }, "Risks": { "ChargesToCapital": false, "ConcentratedPortfolio": false, "DepositorySolvency": false, "DerivativeExposure": true, "DirectProperty": false, "EmergingMarkets": false, "EthicalRestrictions": false, "ExchangeRate": true, "GearedInvestments": false, "HighYieldBonds": false, "HighRisk": false, "IncomeErodingGrowth": false, "Inflation": true, "LongTermInvestments": true, "BondIssuerSolvency": false, "Liquidity": false, "NewFundCharges": false, "Offshore": false, "PerformanceCharges": false, "ReturnsAreNotGuaranteed": true, "SectorSpecific": false, "SmallerCompanies": false, "TaxationTaxRelief": true, "UmbrellaLiabilities": false, "ValueOfInvestments": true }, "KiidExtraction": { "Kiids": null, "Srri": { "ValidatedSrri": 2 } }, "Dealing": { "SettlementBuyPeriod": 3, "SettlementSellPeriod": 3, "DecimalRounding": 3, "PricingBasis": "Forward", "RoundingUpDown": "Up or down depending", "ClassMinimumInvestment": 1000000, "ClassMinimumTopUp": 250000, "ClassMinimumRegularSavings": null, "ClassRegularSavingsAvailable": false, "ClassWrappedRegularSavingsGroup": false, "ClassUnwrappedRegularSavingsGroup": false, "ClassWrappedRegularSavingsPlatform": null, "ClassUnwrappedRegularSavingsPlatform": null, "ClassMinimumWithdrawal": 250000, "ClassMinimumHolding": 1000000, "MinimumWaived": null, "EmxDealing": true, "SwiftDealing": false, "FaxDealing": true, "PhoneDealing": false, "ApplicationFormRequired": "First deal only", "LowAssumedGrowthRate": null, "DeductionEffectLowGrowthRate": null, "HighAssumedGrowthRate": null, "DeductionEffectHighGrowthRate": null, "HasHigherGrowthRate": null, "AdvanceRedemptionNotice": false, "UnitRedemptionOrder": "First In First Out", "ValuationFrequency": "Daily", "ValuationDay": null, "ValuationLocalTime": "12:00:00", "ValuationCutOffTime": "12:00:00", "ValuationTimeZone": "Greenwich Mean Time, (GMT)" }, "BondAttributes": null, "Trading": null, "UnderlyingFundId": null, "AccurateDate": "2020-02-29T10:00:00+00:00" }, "IncomeData": { "IncomeDates": { "Unit": [], "Class": [], "Fund": [ { "AccountEndDate": { "Day": 28, "Month": 2 }, "ExDividendDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 3 }, "IncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 30, "Month": 4 }, "FinalPayment": false }, { "AccountEndDate": { "Day": 31, "Month": 5 }, "ExDividendDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 6 }, "IncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 31, "Month": 7 }, "FinalPayment": true }, { "AccountEndDate": { "Day": 31, "Month": 8 }, 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"IncomeFrequency": null, "ClassPaymentBasis": "Net" }, "Yields": { "Bond": { "DistributionYield": 2.51, "UnderlyingYield": null, "YieldDate": null, "ChargesToCapital": null, "DistributionBasis": null, "AccurateDate": "2020-01-31T11:00:00+00:00" }, "Equity": null, "RelevantYield": 2.51, "Type": "Bond", "AccurateDate": "2020-01-31T11:00:00+00:00" }, "IncomeDistributions": { "IncomeDistribution": [] }, "AccurateDate": "2020-01-31T11:00:00+00:00" }, "PerformanceData": null, "MifidData": { "EmtData": [], "EmtV3Data": [], "EmtV31Data": [], "EmtV4Data": [], "EmtV41Data": [], "EmtV42Data": [], "AppropriateFundIdentifier": "GB00B71DHL68", "AppropriateFundIdentifierType": "1", "FinancialInstrumentName": "Target Return Bond (CLOSED) Class I Income", "FinancialInstrumentCurrency": "GBP", "Complexity": "NC4", "ComplexityAccurateDate": "2017-12-29T06:00:00+00:00", "ComplexityLastUploadedDate": "2017-12-29T11:30:36.35+00:00" }, "PriipsData": null, "AvivaCustomData": null, "Id": 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The fund may invest in other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives and forward transactions, deposits and units in collective investment schemes.", "InvestmentPolicy": null, "FundDomicile": "United Kingdom", "FundType": "OEIC", "IsaQualifying": true, "SippQualifying": true, "CashIsaQualifying": false, "ValuationFrequency": "Daily", "ValuationPoint": "12:00:00", "CompanySector": null, "CompanyIndustry": null, "MarketExchange": null, "AicSector": null, "AicMember": null, "AicAssetType": null, "PortfolioAssetTypePercentage": null, "CompanyIndex": null, "DealingDate": null, "ShareBuybackPolicy": null, "ShareBuybackPolicyDescription": null, "MinimumInvestment": null, "MaximumInvestment": null, "TopUpOffer": null, "AmountRaising": null, "SubscriptionLinkedToOtherVct": null, "OverAllotmentFacility": null, "OverAllotmentAmount": null, "ShareAllotmentFrequency": null, "SubscriptionOpen": null, "SubscriptionOpenDate": null, "SubscriptionCloseForTaxYear": null, "SubscriptionCloseDate": null, "FinalDateForReceiptOfApplications": null, "ApplicationsAcceptDate": null, "SubscriptionExtension": null, "SubscriptionExtensionCloseDate": null, "StockListingCurrency": null, "StockListingCurrencyCode": null, "AnnualReportingDate": "2000-06-30T00:00:00+00:00", "InterimReportingDate": "2000-12-31T00:00:00+00:00", "BenchmarkReplication": null, "ReplicationMethod": null, "LegalStructure": null, "RebalancingStructure": null, "CollateralStructure": null, "ExchangeProductType": null, "MaximumLendPercentage": null, "MaximumLendPercentageAccurateDate": null, "AverageLoanAmount": null, "AverageLoanAmountAccurateDate": null, "FundReturn": null, "LendingRevenueSplit": null, "ReportingStatus": "Does not Apply", "AssetUnderManagement": null, "RecommendedHoldingPeriod": null }, "Attributes": { "MultiManager": false, "IndexTracker": true, "Property": false, "Commodity": false, "ProtectedAbsoluteReturn": false, "Bric": false, "Bond": true, "Leverage": null, "Cash": null, "SingleAssetClass": null, "HigherVolatility": null, "InternallyManaged": null, "WithProfits": null, "AssetType": null, "ManagementStyle": null, "GlobalBond": null, "CorporateBonds": null, "Equities": null, "Gilts": null, "GuaranteedFunds": null, "MixedAsset": null, "SpecialistOther": null, "LifeStyle": null, "VctType": null, "Hedged": null, "CurrentlyStockLending": null, "PermittedStockLending": "Yes", "IsPriip": true, "IsEthical": false }, "EtfAttributes": { "ProductConstructionMethod": null, "StockLendingAbility": false, "LegalStructure": null, "IndexRebalancingFrequency": null, "Leverage": null }, "LaunchDetails": { "ClassLaunchDate": null, "FundLaunchDate": "1994-02-08T00:00:00+00:00", "FundLaunchPrice": 0.0, "FundLaunchCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "FundLaunchCurrencyCode": "GBP", "UnitLaunchCurrency": null, "UnitLaunchCurrencyCode": null, "UnitLaunchDate": "1994-02-08T00:00:00+00:00", "UnitLaunchPrice": null, "PriceCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "PriceCurrencyCode": "GBP", "EstimatedOrdinaryShareLaunchNav": null, "AmountRaised": null, "AmountRaisedAsAtDate": null, "MaximumNumberOfOrdinarySharesOffered": null, "MaximumNumberOfOrdinarySharesInIssue": null }, "Identification": { "InternalFundCode": "15ceb10c-6ead-4356-ae3a-ff98bf5f9f20", "ClassName": "Class A", "ClassType": "Retail", "ClassMinimalName": null, "BaseCurrency": "Pound Sterling", "BaseCurrencyCode": "GBP", "BloombergCode": null, "UnitType": "Income", "InternalCode": null, "IsinCode": "GB0007460032", "MexCode": "HEILA", "EpicCode": null, "ReutersCode": null, "SedolCode": "0746003", "Citicode": "HE78", "NameAbbreviated": null, "Name": "Index Linked Bond", "NamePreferred": null, "UnitName": null, "CompanyRegistrationNumber": null, "LocalMarketCode": null, "SectorName": null, "FullName": "Janus Henderson Investors Index Linked Bond Class A Income", "FullNameSearch": "Janus Henderson Investors Index Linked Bond Class A Income", "ShortName": "Index Linked Bond Class A Income", "ProductId": null, "LegalUmbrellaName": null, "LegalSubFundName": null, "LegalClassName": null }, "Management": { "Team": [ { "Id": "a24edd47-29ff-4ba4-b3e6-a3deacb2576a", "Name": "Bethany Payne", "Photo": "", "PositionWithinTeam": null, "StartDate": "2018-04-09T00:00:00+00:00", "Role": "Primary", "Bio": "Bethany Payne is a Portfolio Manager on the fixed income team at Janus Henderson Investors, a position she has held since 2011. Bethany joined Henderson in 2006 as an assistant portfolio manager on hedge funds. She subsequently moved on to the role of quantitative analyst before moving into her current role as portfolio manager. Bethany holds a BSc (Hons) degree in economics from the University of Sheffield and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. She has 11 years of financial industry experience.", "Location": "TBC" } ], "AdministratorId": "IFDS", "AuthorisedCorporateDirector": "Henderson Investment Funds Limited", "CustodianId": "BNP Paribas", "RegistrarId": "IFDS", "TrusteeDepositoryId": "The National Westminster Bank plc", "ActivelyManaged": "Active", "InternalGroupCode": "991693e0-c03a-4389-afad-28c3804fd24e", "AbbreviatedGroupName": null, "GroupDealingTelNumber": "0845 608 8703", "GroupEnquiriesEmail": "", "GroupFaxNumber": "0870 888 3094", "GroupAddress": "PO Box 9023\nChelmsford\nCM99 2WB", "GroupHomepage": "", "GroupTelNumber": "0800 832 832", "GroupEtf": false, "GroupLongName": "Janus Henderson Investors", "GroupMenuName": null, "GroupShortName": "Janus Henderson Investors", "UnderlyingGroupShortName": "Janus Henderson Investors", "GroupType": null, "GroupLogo": "", "FcaAcdReference": null, "ContractConfirmationContact": null, "PriceFileContact": null, "IssuingCompany": null, "FundCommentary": null, "IsFundCommentaryRequired": false, "FundCommentaryAccurateDate": "2018-09-30T09:00:00+00:00", "InvestmentPhilosophy": null, "FundDescription": null, "UnderlyingFundDescription": null, "InvestmentProcess": null }, "Regulatory": { "EusdEffectiveDate": null, "EusdStatus": "Within scope and exceeds 25% asset test of EU Savings Directive 2003/48/EC", "FcaRecognised": true, "DerivativesAllowed": "Yes - for both investment purposes and EPM purposes", "RegulatoryStatus": "UCITs" }, "Risks": { "ChargesToCapital": false, "ConcentratedPortfolio": false, "DepositorySolvency": false, "DerivativeExposure": true, "DirectProperty": false, "EmergingMarkets": false, "EthicalRestrictions": false, "ExchangeRate": false, "GearedInvestments": false, "HighYieldBonds": false, "HighRisk": true, "IncomeErodingGrowth": false, "Inflation": true, "LongTermInvestments": true, "BondIssuerSolvency": false, "Liquidity": false, "NewFundCharges": false, "Offshore": false, "PerformanceCharges": false, "ReturnsAreNotGuaranteed": true, "SectorSpecific": false, "SmallerCompanies": false, "TaxationTaxRelief": true, "UmbrellaLiabilities": false, "ValueOfInvestments": true }, "KiidExtraction": { "Kiids": null, "Srri": { "ValidatedSrri": 5 } }, "Dealing": { "SettlementBuyPeriod": 4, "SettlementSellPeriod": 4, "DecimalRounding": 4, "PricingBasis": "Forward", "RoundingUpDown": "Up", "ClassMinimumInvestment": 1000, "ClassMinimumTopUp": 100, "ClassMinimumRegularSavings": 50, "ClassRegularSavingsAvailable": true, "ClassWrappedRegularSavingsGroup": null, "ClassUnwrappedRegularSavingsGroup": null, "ClassWrappedRegularSavingsPlatform": null, "ClassUnwrappedRegularSavingsPlatform": null, "ClassMinimumWithdrawal": null, "ClassMinimumHolding": null, "MinimumWaived": null, "EmxDealing": true, "SwiftDealing": true, "FaxDealing": true, "PhoneDealing": true, "ApplicationFormRequired": "First deal only", "LowAssumedGrowthRate": 6.0, "DeductionEffectLowGrowthRate": 4.44, "HighAssumedGrowthRate": null, "DeductionEffectHighGrowthRate": null, "HasHigherGrowthRate": false, "AdvanceRedemptionNotice": false, "UnitRedemptionOrder": "Not Applicable", "ValuationFrequency": "Daily", "ValuationDay": null, "ValuationLocalTime": "12:00:00", "ValuationCutOffTime": "16:00:00", "ValuationTimeZone": "Greenwich Mean Time, (GMT)" }, "BondAttributes": null, "Trading": null, "UnderlyingFundId": null, "AccurateDate": "2024-08-31T16:00:00+00:00" }, "IncomeData": { "IncomeDates": { "Unit": [], "Class": [], "Fund": [ { "AccountEndDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 10 }, "ExDividendDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 10 }, "IncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 30, "Month": 11 }, "FinalPayment": false }, { "AccountEndDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 4 }, "ExDividendDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 4 }, "IncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 31, "Month": 5 }, "FinalPayment": false }, { "AccountEndDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 1 }, "ExDividendDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 1 }, "IncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 28, "Month": 2 }, "FinalPayment": false }, { "AccountEndDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 7 }, "ExDividendDate": { "Day": 1, "Month": 7 }, "IncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 31, "Month": 8 }, "FinalPayment": true } ], "VctDates": [], "NextIncomePaymentDate": { "Day": 31, "Month": 8 }, "ClassFirstIncomePaymentDate": null, "FundFirstIncomePaymentDate": null }, "IncomeDetails": { "UnitBasisXdivDateWkdHol": null, "UnitBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation": null, "UnitIncomeFrequency": null, "UnitIncomeTreatment": null, "ClassBasisXdivDateWkdHol": null, "ClassBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation": null, "ClassIncomeFrequency": null, "ClassIncomeTreatment": null, "FundBasisXdivDateWkdHol": "Forward to next working day", "FundBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation": null, "FundIncomeFrequency": "Quarterly", "FundIncomeTreatment": "Interest", "Guarantee": null, "IncomeFrequency": null, "ClassPaymentBasis": "Net" }, "Yields": { "Bond": { "DistributionYield": 0.0, "UnderlyingYield": 0.0, "YieldDate": null, "ChargesToCapital": null, "DistributionBasis": null, "AccurateDate": "2023-05-31T09:00:00+00:00" }, "Equity": null, "RelevantYield": 0.0, "Type": "Bond", "AccurateDate": "2023-05-31T09:00:00+00:00" }, "IncomeDistributions": { "IncomeDistribution": [] }, "AccurateDate": "2023-05-31T09:00:00+00:00" }, "PerformanceData": null, "MifidData": { "EmtData": [], "EmtV3Data": [], "EmtV31Data": [], "EmtV4Data": [], "EmtV41Data": [], "EmtV42Data": [], "AppropriateFundIdentifier": "GB0007460032", "AppropriateFundIdentifierType": "1", "FinancialInstrumentName": "Index Linked Bond Class A Income", "FinancialInstrumentCurrency": "GBP", "Complexity": "NC4", "ComplexityAccurateDate": "2017-12-29T06:00:00+00:00", "ComplexityLastUploadedDate": "2017-12-29T11:28:49.25+00:00" }, "PriipsData": null, "AvivaCustomData": null, "Id": "e75fc6a8-388b-4d47-adef-d4dbc12cd4d3", "Type": null } ]
The below sections give example queries for the Distribution API.
- Human-readable documentation, in HTML format.
- Machine-readable documentation, in the form of an .edmx file
Get Access Token
curl --location --request POST "" -u "AE84D509BF3A4847809A27F8D97FE54E:Playground_Secret" --form "grant_type=client_credentials"
Use the generated access-token by the above command. The access-token shall be valid for 1hr and can be reused for all other requests.
Specific units
- .../Securities?sedol=B76N7B1
- Retrieves the fund unit identified by the given SEDOL code.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?isin=GB00B76N7B10
- Retrieves the fund unit identified by the given ISIN code.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
Data Api provides ability to filter fund units using filter criterias. Below are supported operations and operators for filters.
Supported operations:
- eq: Filter records on a field with field value equal to input
- gt: Filter records on a field with field value greater than input
- ge: Filter records on a field with field value greater than or equal to input
- lt: Filter records on a field with field value less than input
- le: Filter records on a field with field value less than or equal to input
- AND: ?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false AND StaticData/Charges/Initial gt 2
- OR: ?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false OR StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq null
- Combination of AND and OR: ?$filter=StaticData/Charges/OcfCalculated gt 1.5245 AND (StaticData/Charges/AmcPercentage lt 1.5 OR StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 2.3)
Limitations: Combination of AND OR is not fully supported
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false
- Returns fund units that don't have the ChargesToCapital risk factor.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Essentials/IaSector eq 'Asia Pacific Excluding Japan'
- Returns fund units in the Asia Pacific Excluding Japan sector.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'Asia%20Pacific%20Excluding%20Japan'"
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 5 and StaticData/LaunchDetails/UnitLaunchCurrencyCode eq 'GBP'
- Returns fund units that price in GBP and whose initial charge is less than five. OData also offers other numerical operators such as gt and eq.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'GBP'"
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false OR StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq null
- Returns fund units that don't have the ChargesToCapital risk factor or ChargesToCapital risk is not present at all.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Charges/OcfCalculated gt 1.5245 AND (StaticData/Charges/AmcPercentage lt 1.5 OR StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 2.3)
- Returns fund units that has OcfCalculated greater than 1.5245 and either AmcPercentage is less than 1.5 or Initial charges are less than 2.3
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
By default, the API will return at most ten results per request. This default can be overridden to control paging within your application.
- .../Securities?$skip=20&$top=20&$count=true
- Will skip the first 20 fund units and return the next 20 results. If <code>$count=true</code> is supplied, the response body also has an <code>@odata.count</code> field specifying how many results are in the full set.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false&$skip=2&$top=2
- Filters all fund units to those without the ChargesToCapital risk, and then skips the first 2 results and selects the next 2 results.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?$search=Australian dollar
- Performs a wide-scope search, across all available parameters, and returns any fund units that contain the phrase 'Australian Dollar' anywhere in their data.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
Custom FL functions
- .../Securities/FL.GetSedols(Sedols=['B76N7B1','3049163','B79HRR6','0746003','B71DHL6'])
- Will return a set of fund units relating to the sedols provided in the comma separated function parameter.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'B76N7B1','3049163','B79HRR6','0746003','B71DHL6'%5D)"
- /api/MifidData/fromIds?id=B76N7B1&id=3049163&id=B79HRR6
- Will return a set of fund units with MiFid EMT data relating to the sedols provided in the query parameter.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 4.2" ""
- /api/EsgData?accurateDate=2022-05-30&pageSize=10&pageNumber=1
- Will return a set of ESG EET data relating to the accurate date, page number and page size provided in the query parameters.
- All parameters are optional.
Parameter details:
- accurateDate: Input should be in date format (YYYY-MM-DD), e.g. 2022-05-30. If not provided, current date will be picked.
- pageSize: Number of records to be returned in the result set. If not provided, pageSize will default to the value configured in API.
- pageNumber: The current page number for the result set
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EET-Version : 1.1.2" ""
- /api/PriipsData/fromIds?id=B76N7B1&id=3049163&id=B79HRR6
- /api/PriipsData/B76N7B1
- Will return a set of fund units with Priips data relating to the sedols or isins provided in the query parameter.
Parameter details:
- accurateDate: Input should be in date format (YYYY-MM-DD), e.g. 2022-05-30. AccurateDate only applies to the Performance Scenario data.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 3.0" ""
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 3.0" ""
SEDOLs featured in Playground
- B76N7B1
- 3049163
- B79HRR6
- 0746003
- B71DHL6
- 3161926
- 5598997
- 0019976
- B39TVG1
- 0742089
- 3129623
- 0041719
- 3352032
- BHB1Y64
- 0433071
- 0903574
- 0454492
- 3083666
- B587Y50
- 0852591
- B13YXL7
- 0706762