The Playground is a test area where you can experiment with FundsLibrary’s Data API. Have a go! Write your own query in the box provided and press the GO! button. Alternatively, select any of the pre-written queries in the “Examples” section below.
The below sections give example queries for the Distribution API.
- Human-readable documentation, in HTML format.
- Machine-readable documentation, in the form of an .edmx file
Get Access Token
curl --location --request POST "" -u "AE84D509BF3A4847809A27F8D97FE54E:Playground_Secret" --form "grant_type=client_credentials"
Use the generated access-token by the above command. The access-token shall be valid for 1hr and can be reused for all other requests.
Specific units
- .../Securities?sedol=B76N7B1
- Retrieves the fund unit identified by the given SEDOL code.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?isin=GB00B76N7B10
- Retrieves the fund unit identified by the given ISIN code.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
Data Api provides ability to filter fund units using filter criterias. Below are supported operations and operators for filters.
Supported operations:
- eq: Filter records on a field with field value equal to input
- gt: Filter records on a field with field value greater than input
- ge: Filter records on a field with field value greater than or equal to input
- lt: Filter records on a field with field value less than input
- le: Filter records on a field with field value less than or equal to input
- AND: ?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false AND StaticData/Charges/Initial gt 2
- OR: ?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false OR StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq null
- Combination of AND and OR: ?$filter=StaticData/Charges/OcfCalculated gt 1.5245 AND (StaticData/Charges/AmcPercentage lt 1.5 OR StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 2.3)
Limitations: Combination of AND OR is not fully supported
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false
- Returns fund units that don't have the ChargesToCapital risk factor.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Essentials/IaSector eq 'Asia Pacific Excluding Japan'
- Returns fund units in the Asia Pacific Excluding Japan sector.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'Asia%20Pacific%20Excluding%20Japan'"
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 5 and StaticData/LaunchDetails/UnitLaunchCurrencyCode eq 'GBP'
- Returns fund units that price in GBP and whose initial charge is less than five. OData also offers other numerical operators such as gt and eq.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'GBP'"
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false OR StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq null
- Returns fund units that don't have the ChargesToCapital risk factor or ChargesToCapital risk is not present at all.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Charges/OcfCalculated gt 1.5245 AND (StaticData/Charges/AmcPercentage lt 1.5 OR StaticData/Charges/Initial lt 2.3)
- Returns fund units that has OcfCalculated greater than 1.5245 and either AmcPercentage is less than 1.5 or Initial charges are less than 2.3
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
By default, the API will return at most ten results per request. This default can be overridden to control paging within your application.
- .../Securities?$skip=20&$top=20&$count=true
- Will skip the first 20 fund units and return the next 20 results. If <code>$count=true</code> is supplied, the response body also has an <code>@odata.count</code> field specifying how many results are in the full set.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?$filter=StaticData/Risks/ChargesToCapital eq false&$skip=2&$top=2
- Filters all fund units to those without the ChargesToCapital risk, and then skips the first 2 results and selects the next 2 results.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
- .../Securities?$search=Australian dollar
- Performs a wide-scope search, across all available parameters, and returns any fund units that contain the phrase 'Australian Dollar' anywhere in their data.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" ""
Custom FL functions
- .../Securities/FL.GetSedols(Sedols=['B76N7B1','3049163','B79HRR6','0746003','B71DHL6'])
- Will return a set of fund units relating to the sedols provided in the comma separated function parameter.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" "'B76N7B1','3049163','B79HRR6','0746003','B71DHL6'%5D)"
- /api/MifidData/fromIds?id=B76N7B1&id=3049163&id=B79HRR6
- Will return a set of fund units with MiFid EMT data relating to the sedols provided in the query parameter.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 4.2" ""
- /api/EsgData?accurateDate=2022-05-30&pageSize=10&pageNumber=1
- Will return a set of ESG EET data relating to the accurate date, page number and page size provided in the query parameters.
- All parameters are optional.
Parameter details:
- accurateDate: Input should be in date format (YYYY-MM-DD), e.g. 2022-05-30. If not provided, current date will be picked.
- pageSize: Number of records to be returned in the result set. If not provided, pageSize will default to the value configured in API.
- pageNumber: The current page number for the result set
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EET-Version : 1.1.2" ""
- /api/PriipsData/fromIds?id=B76N7B1&id=3049163&id=B79HRR6
- /api/PriipsData/B76N7B1
- Will return a set of fund units with Priips data relating to the sedols or isins provided in the query parameter.
Parameter details:
- accurateDate: Input should be in date format (YYYY-MM-DD), e.g. 2022-05-30. AccurateDate only applies to the Performance Scenario data.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 3.0" ""
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -H "X-FL-EMT-Version : 3.0" ""
SEDOLs featured in Playground
- B76N7B1
- 3049163
- B79HRR6
- 0746003
- B71DHL6
- 3161926
- 5598997
- 0019976
- B39TVG1
- 0742089
- 3129623
- 0041719
- 3352032
- BHB1Y64
- 0433071
- 0903574
- 0454492
- 3083666
- B587Y50
- 0852591
- B13YXL7
- 0706762