Data Distribution API Schema



Property Data Type Description
Documents Documents
DocumentsData DocumentsData
PortfolioData PortfolioData
PortfolioManagerData PortfolioManagerData
RatingsData RatingsData
StaticData StaticData
IncomeData IncomeData
PerformanceData PerformanceData
Masterlists string[]
IsRestricted boolean
Type string
MifidData MifidData
PriipsData PriipsData
Id guid
AvivaCustomData AvivaCustomData


Property Data Type Description
Factsheets Factsheets
Monthly post-sale documents for investors
AlternativeLanguageFactsheets MultiLanguageItem`1[]
Kiids KiidDocuments
Regulated Point-of-Sale documents for investors
AlternativeLanguageKiids MultiLanguageItem`1[]
PriipKids PriipKidDocuments
AlternativeLanguagePriipKids MultiLanguageItem`1[]
Prospectus Prospectus
Point-of-Sale documents for investors and full offer documents
AlternativeLanguageProspectus MultiLanguageItem`1[]
ReportsAndAccounts ReportsAndAccounts
Bi-Annual post-sale documents for investors
AlternativeLanguageReportsAndAccounts MultiLanguageItem`1[]
LatestPointOfSaleDocument string
LatestPointOfSaleAccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the most recent Point-of-Sale document (either a <abbr title="Key Investor Information Document">KIID</abbr> or Simplified Prospectus)
Siids SiidDocuments
AlternativeLanguageSiids MultiLanguageItem`1[]
MifidDocuments MifidDocuments
AlternativeLanguageMifidDocuments MultiLanguageItem`1[]


Property Data Type Description
ProfessionalClassAccurateDate datetime
ProfessionalClass string
PrivateClassAccurateDate datetime
PrivateClass string
ProfessionalUnitAccurateDate datetime
ProfessionalUnit string
PrivateUnitAccurateDate datetime
PrivateUnit string
PostSale string
A factsheet document
PostSaleAccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the factsheet document
LatestPrivate string
The latest factsheet produced for private investors on the system
LatestPrivateAccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the latest factsheet document for private investors
LatestProfessional string
The latest factsheet produced for professional investors on the system
LatestProfessionalAccurateDate datetime
The date of the latest factsheet document for professional investors


Property Data Type Description
Language string
Value Factsheets


Property Data Type Description
FundUnit string
FundUnitSource string
FundUnitAccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
FundUnit string
FundUnitSource string
FundUnitAccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
SimplifiedProspectusAccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the simplified prospectus
SimplifiedProspectus string
Simplified prospectus document providing details of investment offering
FullProspectus string
Full offer document
FullProspectusAccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the full prospectus
FundProspectus string
FundProspectusAccurateDate datetime
FundSupplement string
FundSupplementAccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
AnnualReportAccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the annual report
AnnualReport string
The annual report and accounts document in base 64 format.
InterimReportAccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the interim report
InterimReport string
The reports and accounts document in base 64 format
LatestReport string
The most recent report and account document (either annual or interim)
LatestReportAccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the latest report (either annual or interim)


Property Data Type Description
Fund string
FundAccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
MifidCostAndChargesAccurateDate datetime
MifidCostAndChargesDocument string


Property Data Type Description
applicationform Document[]
articlesofincorporation Document[]
consumerduty Document[]
dataprotectionnotice Document[]
deedofconstitution Document[]
factbook Document[]
factsheet Document[]
finalterms Document[]
financialstatements Document[]
guide Document[]
instrumentofincorporation Document[]
keyfact Document[]
kiidbook Document[]
memorandumandarticles Document[]
prospectus Document[]
regulatorydatatemplate Document[]
regulatorydocument Document[]
remunerationpolicy Document[]
reportableincome Document[]
sdr Document[]
sfdr Document[]
shareholdernotice Document[]
supplement Document[]
targetmarket Document[]
tcfd Document[]
uksid Document[]


Property Data Type Description
AccurateDate datetime
DocumentUrl string
DocumentSubType string
Language string


Property Data Type Description
AssetTypes AssetTypes
Asset allocation breakdown of the portfolio
Countries CountryDetails[]
Country breakdown of the portfolio
CountryRegions CountryDetails[]
Currencies DebtCurrency[]
Currency breakdown of the portfolio
DebtMaturity BreakdownItem[]
Outstanding maturity left on investments within the portfolio
DebtQuality BreakdownItem[]
Debt grade rating data of the portfolio
DerivativeExposure DerivativeExposure
Duration Duration
Duration of investments within the portfolio
Holdings Holdings
Investment holding breakdown of the portfolio
PropertySectors BreakdownItem[]
Icb Icb
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> codes, industry and sector breakdown of the portfolio
IaSector IaSectorDetails[]
<abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> sector breakdown of the holdings within the portfolio
MarketCap BreakdownItem[]
Market capital value of investments within the portfolio
Regions RegionDetails[]
Regional breakdown of the holdings within the portfolio
Size FundSize
<abbr title="Net Asset Value">NAV</abbr> data of the portfolio
AssetTypesExtensive BreakdownItem[]
Extensive asset allocation breakdown of the portfolio
SubAssetTypesExtensive BreakdownItem[]
Sub asset allocation breakdown of the portfolio
TopTen TopTen
Top ten holdings within the portfolio
AccurateDate datetime
The accurate date of the portfolio
PortfolioProcessedAccurateDate datetime
PrimaryAssetType PrimaryAssetTypeDetails
IsPortfolioDataFromUnderlyingFundUnit boolean
UnderlyingFundUnitId guid


Property Data Type Description
Lookthrough BreakdownItem[]
Uses the Original asset types data broken down further (mainly for fund of funds)
Original BreakdownItem[]
Asset type data breakdown at top level


Property Data Type Description
Name string
Percentage decimal


Property Data Type Description
Code string
Country code in which holdings within the portfolio are held (e.g. GBR)
Name string
Country in which the security has its primary listing according to geographical breakdown of portfolio
Percentage decimal
Porportion (%) of portfolio held in each country


Property Data Type Description
Code string
Currency code in which holdings within the portfolio are held (e.g. USD)
Name string
Currencies of bonds in the portfolio
Percentage decimal
Proportion (%) currencies of bonds in portfolio


Property Data Type Description
LongNonDerivativeExposure decimal
LongDerivativeExposure decimal
ShortDerivativeExposure decimal
NetExposure decimal
GrossExposure decimal
CashAndOther decimal
LongNonDerivativePositions integer
ShortDerivativePositions integer
NetPositions integer
GrossPositions integer
PairedPositions integer
PairedExposure decimal


Property Data Type Description
FundBondCoverage decimal
Percentage of funds included in this calculation
FundDurationForBonds decimal
Calculation of bond duration within the portfolio
FundModifiedDuration decimal
Calculation of bond modified duration within the portfolio


Property Data Type Description
Lookthrough HoldingsLookthrough
Original holdings data broken down further (mainly for fund of funds)
Original HoldingsOriginal
Holdings data breakdown at top level
Issuers Issuers
Issuer data


Property Data Type Description
NumberHoldings integer
Total number of individual portfolio investments (mainly for fund of funds)


Property Data Type Description
NumberHoldings integer
Total number of individual portfolio investments


Property Data Type Description
NumberIssuers integer
Total number of distinct issuers in a portfolio


Property Data Type Description
IndustryCode Industry[]
Portfolio broken down by <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> industry code
SectorCode Sector[]
Portfolio broken down by <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> sector code
SubsectorCode Subsector[]
Portfolio broken down by <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> subsector code
SupersectorCode Supersector[]
Portfolio broken down by <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> supersector code


Property Data Type Description
Name string
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Industry Name for Equity Portfolios
Code string
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Industry Code for Equity Portfolios
Percentage decimal
Proportion (%) of portfolio broken down by <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Industry for Equity Portfolios


Property Data Type Description
Name string
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Sector Name for Equity Portfolios
Code string
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Sector Code for Equity Portfolios
Percentage decimal
Proportion (%) of portfolio broken down by <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Sector for Equity Portfolios


Property Data Type Description
Name string
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Subsector Name for Equity Portfolios
Code string
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Subsector Code for Equity Portfolios
Percentage decimal
Proportion (%) of portfolio broken down by <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Subsector for Equity Portfolios


Property Data Type Description
Name string
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Supersector Name for Equity Portfolios
Code string
<abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Supersector Code for Equity Portfolios
Percentage decimal
Proportion (%) of portfolio broken down by <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Supersector for Equity Portfolios


Property Data Type Description
Name string
Name of <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sectors
Percentage decimal
Proportion (%) of total assets in <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sectors


Property Data Type Description
Name string
Name of region in which holdings within the portfolio are held
Percentage decimal
Proportion (%) of portfolio held in this region


Property Data Type Description
NavOfFund decimal
Net Asset Value of the fund (millions) - price per share or per share value
NavCurrency string
Currency of Net Asset Value
NavCurrencyCode string
Currency code of Net Asset Value (e.g. USD)


Property Data Type Description
Issuers TopTenIssuer[]
Top ten issuers data
Lookthrough TopTenHolding[]
Top ten data brokendown further (mainly for fund of funds)
Original TopTenHolding[]
Top ten data breakdown at top level


Property Data Type Description
Name string
Percentage decimal


Property Data Type Description
IaSector string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector of security (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
SecurityIsin string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; ISIN code of security (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
SecurityName string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; Full name of security (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
SecuritySedol string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; SEDOL code of security (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
ExposureTotalAssetsPercentage decimal
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; Share exposure as proportion (%) of total assets (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
NumberOfSharesHeld decimal
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; Number of shares currently held in security (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
SecurityCountry string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; Country in which security is listed (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
SecurityCountryCode string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; Country code in which security is listed (3 letter ISO 3166 code of country) (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
IcbIndustryCode string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; FTSE <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Industry code (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
IcbSuperSectorCode string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; FTSE <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Supersector code (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
IcbSectorCode string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; FTSE <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Sector code (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
IcbSubSectorCode string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; FTSE <abbr title="Industry Classification Benchmark">ICB</abbr> Subsector code (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
BondCurrency string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; Currency that the bond is offered in (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
BondCurrencyCode string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; Currency code in which security is listed (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)
FlAssetType string
Top 10 holdings within the portfolio; FundsLibrary standard asset type collation (Lookthrough is mainly for fund of funds)


Property Data Type Description
AssetTypeCode string
AssetType string
SubAssetTypeCode string
SubAssetType string
Country string
CountryCode string
Region string


Property Data Type Description
AssetTypesExtensive AssetTypesExtensiveManagerDataDetails[]
Regions RegionDetails[]
TopTen TopTenManagerData
Icb IcbManagerData
GenericBreakdown BreakdownItemWithNote[]
GenericBreakdownA BreakdownItemWithNote[]
GenericBreakdownB BreakdownItemWithNote[]
GenericBreakdownC BreakdownItemWithNote[]
GenericBreakdownD BreakdownItemWithNote[]
GenericBreakdownAccurateDate datetime
GenericBreakdownAccurateDateA datetime
GenericBreakdownAccurateDateB datetime
GenericBreakdownAccurateDateC datetime
GenericBreakdownAccurateDateD datetime


Property Data Type Description
Name string
Percentage decimal


Property Data Type Description
Lookthrough TopTenHolding[]


Property Data Type Description
IndustryCode IndustryManagerData[]


Property Data Type Description
Name string
Percentage decimal


Property Data Type Description
BreakdownNote string


Property Data Type Description
Defaqto Defaqto
Defaqto specific rating
FundCalibre FundCalibre
FundCalibre specific rating
Morningstar Morningstar
Morningstar specific rating
RaynerSpencerMills RaynerSpencerMills
Raynor Spencer Mills rating
Scopic Scopic
Scopic specific rating
SquareMile SquareMile
Square Mile specific rating
CityFinancial CityFinancial


Property Data Type Description
DiamondRating integer
Defaqto Diamond Rating


Property Data Type Description
EliteRating boolean
Fund Calibre Rating
EliteRatingDocument string
Fund Calibre rating document


Property Data Type Description
AnalystRatingCreationDate datetime
Morningstar Analyst Rating Creation Date
AnalystRating string
Morningstar Analyst Rating
AnalystRatingDocument string
StarRating integer
Morningstar Star Rating (1-5)
StarRatingDocument string
Morningstar rating document


Property Data Type Description
Rating integer
RatingsDocument string


Property Data Type Description
Rating string
Scopic Rating


Property Data Type Description
Rating string
Square Mile Rating


Property Data Type Description
Rating string
RatingsDocument string


Property Data Type Description
Charges Charges
Regular expense data for investors
Eet Eet
EffectOfDeductions EffectOfDeductions
Esg Esg
Essentials Essentials
Vital details of investment data
Attributes AttributesDetails
General aspects of the investement
EtfAttributes EtfAttributesDetails
LaunchDetails LaunchDetails
Investment launch data
Identification Identification
Common identifiers of investments
Management Management
Administration and registration data
Regulatory Regulatory
Directives and status data
Risks Risks
Investment risk data
KiidExtraction KiidExtraction
Data that has been extracted from Key Investment Information Documents (<abbr title="Key Investor Information Document">KIIDs</abbr>)
Dealing Dealing
BondAttributes BondAttributesDetails
Trading Trading
UnderlyingFundId guid
AccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
AmcPercentage decimal
Annual management charge percentage
AdditionalExpenses decimal
Any additional charges to the investor
AnnualChargeType string
AnnualChargePercentage decimal
AnnualChargeCalculationDate datetime
AnnualFundPercentage decimal
Annual fund charge percentage
Exit string
Total exit charge
Initial decimal
Initial charge
Performance string
Performance charges and short explanation
TerEffectiveDate datetime
End date of the 12 month period that the <abbr title="Total Expense Ratio">TER</abbr> is calculated over
TerPerformanceIncluded boolean
Indication of the effect of any performance charges is included within the <abbr title="Total Expense Ratio">TER</abbr> calculation
TerEstimated boolean
If the fund has less than 12 months of history for calculations, the <abbr title="Total Expense Ratio">TER</abbr> is estimated
TerCalculated decimal
Calculation of Total Expense Ratio (<abbr title="Total Expense Ratio">TER</abbr> %) by fund group
OcfCalculationDate datetime
End date of the ongoing charges
OcfEstimated boolean
If the fund has less than 12 months of history for calculations, its ongoing charges are estimated
OcfCalculated decimal
Ongoing charges percentage as calculated by group
Administration decimal
Administration charge
EarlyApplicationBenefits string
Benefits for early applications
ExistingInvestorBenefits string
Benefits for existing investors
InitialCommission decimal
Rebates to initial charge are typically only available as extra shares
CashRebateAvailable boolean
Are there any cash rebates available?
TrailCommission decimal
Is there any trail commission?


Property Data Type Description
SdrLabel string
SdrLabelAccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
AssumedGrowthRateLow decimal
EffectOfDeductionsForLowGrowthRate decimal
AssumedGrowthRateHigh decimal
EffectOfDeductionsForHighGrowthRate decimal
HigherGrowthRateAvailable boolean


Property Data Type Description
EsgRating string
FundHighImpactFossilFuelReserves decimal
CarbonFootprintManagementScore decimal
FundImprovingThreeYearAverageCarbonEmissions decimal
FundNotDeterminableThreeYearAverageCarbonEmissions decimal
FundWorseningThreeYearAverageCarbonEmissions decimal
FundStableThreeYearAverageCarbonEmissions decimal
FundLowCarbonTransitionScore decimal
WeightedCarbonIntensity decimal
LowCarbonTransitionCategoryAssetStranding decimal
LowCarbonTransitionCategoryProductTransition decimal
LowCarbonTransitionCategoryOperationalTransition decimal
LowCarbonTransitionCategoryNeutral decimal
LowCarbonTransitionCategorySolutions decimal
WeightedAverageCarbonIntensity decimal
FundLowCarbonTransitionScoreCoverage decimal
FundProductCarbonFootprintManagementScoreCoverage decimal
FundRevenueExposureToSustainableImpactSolutions decimal
BoardDiversity decimal
FundSustainableImpactSolutionsInvolvement decimal
FundSustainableWaterInvolvement decimal
FundSustainableAgricultureInvolvement decimal
FundRevenueExposureToSustainableAgriculture decimal
ConnectivityDigitalDivideInvolvement decimal
RevenueExposureToConnectivityDigitalDivide decimal
FundUsesEnergyFromRenewableSources decimal
RevenueExposureToEnvironmentalImpact decimal
RevenueExposureToEnergyEfficiency decimal
RevenueExposureToAlternativeEnergy decimal
AlternativeEnergyInvolvement decimal
BrownRevenue decimal
FundEnvironmentalImpactInvolvement decimal
FundGreenBuildingInvolvement decimal
FundRevenueExposureToGreenBuilding decimal
FundPalmOilInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
RevenueExposureToNuclearPower decimal
NuclearPowerInvolvement decimal
FundNuclearPowerInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
FundNuclearPowerInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
FundWeaponsInvolvement decimal
SustainableWater decimal
FundNuclearPowerInvolvementLeastRestrictive decimal
FundWaterStressHighRiskBusinessSegment decimal
FundWaterStressHighRiskGeography decimal
FundWaterStressExposureModerate decimal
FundWaterStressExposureHigh decimal
FundWaterStressExposureLow decimal
FundSevereEnvironmentalControversies decimal
FundVerySevereEnvironmentalControversies decimal
HumanRightsPolicy decimal
FundImprovingCompanyThreeYearAverageFreshwaterWithdrawalIntensityTrend decimal
FundNotDeterminableCompanyThreeYearAverageFreshwaterWithdrawalIntensityTrend decimal
FundWorseningCompanyThreeYearAverageFreshwaterWithdrawalIntensityTrend decimal
FundStableCompanyThreeYearAverageFreshwaterWithdrawalIntensityTrend decimal
FundWeightedAverageFreshwaterWithdrawalIntensity decimal
FundWeightedAverageFreshwaterWithdrawalIntensityCoverage decimal
FundWeightedAverageTotalWaterWithdrawalIntensity decimal
FundWeightedAverageTotalWaterWithdrawalIntensityCoverage decimal
PollutionPrevention decimal
FundToxicEmissionsWasteManagementScore decimal
FundPollutionWasteThemeScore decimal
FundPollutionPreventionInvolvement decimal
FundRevenueExposureToPollutionPrevention decimal
FundRevenueExposureToEnvironmentalImpact decimal
SustainableAgriculture decimal
FundEnergyEfficiencyInvolvement decimal
FundESGPolicy decimal
FundLaborNormsViolation decimal
FundLaborNormsViolationOrWatchList decimal
FundHumanRightsNormsViolation decimal
FundHumanRightsNormsViolationOrWatchList decimal
FundOffersNonCompensationBenefitsWithMaterialFinancialValue decimal
FundCombinedCeoChair decimal
FundPayControversy decimal
RenewableEnergy decimal
FundPolicyAddressingInternationallyRecognizedLaborConventions decimal
FundGovernanceMetricsCeoChangeEvent decimal
FundMonitorsEmployeeSatisfaction decimal
FundProductSafetyQualityControversies decimal
FundControversialWorkplaceAccidentsControversies decimal
FundHealthSafetyControversies decimal
FundProgramsToFacilitateWorkforceDiversity decimal
FundProcessesToProtectCustomerPrivacyDataSecurity decimal
FundPayFlag decimal
Alcohol decimal
FundSignificantVotesAgainstPayPractices decimal
FundLackOfInternalPayEquity decimal
FundExecutivePayNonDisclosure decimal
FundAccountingFlag decimal
FundPayLinkedToSustainability decimal
FundConventionalWeaponsInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
FundConventionalWeaponsInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
AnimalWelfareTesting decimal
FundControversialWeaponsInvolvement decimal
FundCivilianFirearmsInvolvement decimal
FundCivilianFirearmsInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
FundCivilianFirearmsInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
FundCivilianFirearmsRetailer decimal
FundCivilianFirearmsProducer decimal
FundBiologicalChemicalWeaponsInvolvement decimal
FundConventionalWeaponsInvolvementLeastRestrictive decimal
FundNuclearWeaponsInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
Gambling decimal
FundNuclearWeaponsInvolvementLeastRestrictive decimal
FundNuclearWeaponsInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
FundNuclearWeaponsInvolvement decimal
FundFirearmsInvolvementLeastRestrictive decimal
FundRevenueExposureToConventionalWeapons decimal
FundRevenueExposureToFirearms decimal
FundHumanRightsPolicyCommitmentToAnExternalStandard decimal
FundMonitorsEffectivenessOfHumanRightsPolicy decimal
FundDiversityPolicyForWorkforce decimal
Tobacco decimal
FundCatholicValuesFail decimal
FundIslamicNonCompliant decimal
FundGamblingInvolvement decimal
FundGamblingInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
FundGamblingInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
FundGamblingInvolvementLeastRestrictive decimal
FundRevenueExposureToGambling decimal
FundSevereChildLaborControversies decimal
FundAlcoholInvolvement decimal
AdultEntertainment decimal
FundAlcoholInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
FundAlcoholInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
FundAlcoholInvolvementLeastRestrictive decimal
FundRevenueExposureToAlcohol decimal
FundRevenueExposureToTobacco decimal
FundTobaccoInvolvement decimal
FundTobaccoInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
FundTobaccoInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
FundTobaccoInvolvementLeastRestrictive decimal
FundRevenueExposureToGeneticEngineering decimal
FundAnimalWelfareInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
FundAnimalWelfareInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
FundAnimalWelfareInvolvement decimal
FundRevenueExposureToAdultEntertainment decimal
FundAdultEntertainmentInvolvement decimal
FundAdultEntertainmentInvolvementHighlyRestrictive decimal
FundAdultEntertainmentInvolvementModeratelyRestrictive decimal
FundAdultEntertainmentInvolvementLeastRestrictive decimal
FundBoardFlag decimal
FundLackOfIndependentBoardMajority decimal
FundBoardIndependence_0_25 decimal
FundBoardIndependence_25_50 decimal
FundBoardIndependence_50_75 decimal
FundBoardIndependence_75_100 decimal
FundNoFemaleDirectors decimal
FundThreeOrMoreFemaleDirectors decimal
FundFemaleRepresent30PercentOfDirectors decimal
FundEntrenchedBoard decimal
FundOverboarding decimal
FundNegativeDirectorVotes decimal
FundOwnershipAndControlFlag decimal
FundOneShareOneVote decimal
FundNoAnnualDirectorElections decimal
FundDoesNotUseMajorityVoting decimal
FundControllingShareholder decimal
FundControllingShareholderConcerns decimal
FundCrossShareholdings decimal
FundIndependentBoardMajority decimal
FundSevereCustomerControversies decimal
FundVerySevereCustomerControversies decimal
FundSevereGovernanceControversies decimal
FundVerySevereGovernanceControversies decimal
GreenRevenue decimal
FundPollutionWasteThemeWeight decimal
FundToxicEmissionsWasteManagementScoreCoverage decimal


Property Data Type Description
BenchmarkDescription string
The standard that the investment's performance is measured against. This will frequently be an Index
ClassCleanValue boolean
Clean classes have no commission included in the <abbr title="Annual Management Charge">AMC</abbr>
IaSector string
The Investment Association sector that the fund belongs to. <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> sectors allow funds to be broadly grouped together and are principally based on the asset type that the fund invests in
AbiSector string
The <abbr title="Association of British Insurers">ABI</abbr> sector that the investment belongs to. Life and pension funds only
Objectives string
The investment's objectives as specified in the key features
InvestmentPolicy string
The investment's policy
FundDomicile string
Country of domicile. This is used to identify whether the fund is "offshore" and is often only a descriptive term rather than a definitive tax classification
FundType string
Fund entity; OIEC, Unit Trust, or SICAV. Although <abbr title="Open-Ended Investment Company">OEICs</abbr> are also UCITS, they are be recorded as <abbr title="Open-Ended Investment Company">OEICs</abbr> here
IsaQualifying boolean
Recognised by the FSA or considered "UK friendly" are allowable. Typically they will have a UK reporting status
SippQualifying boolean
Typically funds that are recognised by the FSA or HMRC but may include unregulated schemes
CashIsaQualifying boolean
ValuationFrequency string
Frequency at which the <abbr title="Net Asset Value">NAV</abbr> is calculated. This is based on a 24 hour standard
ValuationPoint time
Time of daily valuation
CompanySector string
CompanyIndustry string
MarketExchange string
AicSector string
<abbr title="Association of Investment Companies">AIC</abbr> Sector for the investment company
AicMember boolean
Whether the investment company belongs to the <abbr title="Association of Investment Companies">AIC</abbr>
AicAssetType string
<abbr title="Association of Investment Companies">AIC</abbr> asset type classification
PortfolioAssetTypePercentage decimal
Percentage of the portfolio held in this <abbr title="Association of Investment Companies">AIC</abbr> asset type
CompanyIndex string
Which index the company is listed on
DealingDate datetime
Dealing commencement date
ShareBuybackPolicy boolean
The share buyback policy
ShareBuybackPolicyDescription string
The share buyback policy description
MinimumInvestment integer
Minimum investment required to subscribe
MaximumInvestment integer
Maximum investment allowed for subscription
TopUpOffer boolean
Whether it is a top-up offer or not
AmountRaising integer
Amount of money currently raising
SubscriptionLinkedToOtherVct string
Many offerings may be linked to other <abbr title="Venture Capital Trust">VCTs</abbr>
OverAllotmentFacility boolean
May kick in if the initial subscription limit is reached early
OverAllotmentAmount integer
Overall allotment amount
ShareAllotmentFrequency string
Over Allotment Amount (gross £m)
SubscriptionOpen boolean
Are the subscriptions open?
SubscriptionOpenDate datetime
Date subscriptions are open
SubscriptionCloseForTaxYear boolean
Date subscriptions close for the tax year
SubscriptionCloseDate datetime
Date subscriptions are closed
FinalDateForReceiptOfApplications datetime
Date which final applications can be received
ApplicationsAcceptDate datetime
Date which applications are accepted
SubscriptionExtension boolean
Extension for subscriptions
SubscriptionExtensionCloseDate datetime
Date subscription extensions are closed
StockListingCurrency string
The currency of the stock listing
StockListingCurrencyCode string
The currency code of the stock listing (e.g. USD)
AnnualReportingDate datetime
InterimReportingDate datetime
BenchmarkReplication integer
ReplicationMethod string
LegalStructure string
RebalancingStructure string
CollateralStructure string
ExchangeProductType string
MaximumLendPercentage decimal
MaximumLendPercentageAccurateDate datetime
AverageLoanAmount decimal
AverageLoanAmountAccurateDate datetime
FundReturn decimal
LendingRevenueSplit string
ReportingStatus string
UnitRegistrationDetails UnitRegistrationDetails[]
AssetUnderManagement decimal
RecommendedHoldingPeriod double
The recommended period of time to invest in the fund


Property Data Type Description
ClassCountryOfRegistration string
ClassCountryCodeOfRegistration string


Property Data Type Description
MultiManager boolean
The fund is a multi manager fund. Made up of multiple, specialised funds
IndexTracker boolean
The fund is an index tracker fund. It tracks an index such as the FTSE 100
Property boolean
The fund is a property fund, specialising in property securities of in property
Commodity boolean
The fund is a commodity fund, invested in commodities (e.g. gold)
ProtectedAbsoluteReturn boolean
The fund is a protected/absolute return fund, hoping to produce a positive, targeted return for investors
Bric boolean
The fund is a BRIC fund, invested in securities associated with Brazil, Russia, India and China
Bond boolean
The fund is a bond fund, invested in predominantly bonds and debt instruments
Leverage decimal
Unleveraged long portfolios should be left blank. Short portfolios should be negative. Leveraged funds should include the multiplier
Cash boolean
The fund is a cash fund
SingleAssetClass boolean
The fund is a single asset class. Invested in one type of investment rather than several (multi-asset)
HigherVolatility boolean
The fund is a higher volatility fund. Invested in securities that fluctuate, considered high risk but can have high returns
InternallyManaged boolean
The fund is a internally managed
WithProfits boolean
The fund is with profit. It is invested in a mixture of investments, the returns depend on the performance
AssetType string
The fund's asset type. Type of assets that are invested e.g. equities, bonds, gilts etc.
ManagementStyle string
The fund's management style; Active or Passive
GlobalBond boolean
The fund is a global bond. A fund that is made up of bonds that issued and are traded outside the country where a currency is denominated
CorporateBonds boolean
The fund is composed of corporate bonds
Equities boolean
The fund is invested in equities
Gilts boolean
The fund is composed of gilts - government bonds from the UK
GuaranteedFunds boolean
The fund is a guaranteed fund, meaning that it will have a predefined minimum value at maturity or if the holder dies
MixedAsset boolean
Invested in several, mixed assets
SpecialistOther boolean
The fund is specialist/other
LifeStyle boolean
Invested in securities that reflect the investor and their investing strategy. They have a mixture of assets determined by level of risk
VctType string
Type of <abbr title="Venture Capital Trust">VCT</abbr>; AIM, Generalist, Limited Life or Specialist
Hedged boolean
CurrentlyStockLending string
PermittedStockLending string
IsPriip boolean
IsEthical boolean


Property Data Type Description
ProductConstructionMethod string
StockLendingAbility boolean
LegalStructure string
IndexRebalancingFrequency string
Leverage string


Property Data Type Description
ClassLaunchDate datetime
Date of fund class launch
FundLaunchDate datetime
Date of original fund launch
FundLaunchPrice decimal
Original offer price at launch in base currency units. For example, a launch price of £1 would be represented as 1, and 50p as 0.5
FundLaunchCurrency string
Currency of the original offer price at launch
FundLaunchCurrencyCode string
Currency code at fund launch (e.g. GBP but then changed to USD)
UnitLaunchCurrency string
Currency in which the fund was denominated at launch (ISO 4217 format)
UnitLaunchCurrencyCode string
Currency code at unit launch (e.g. GBP but then changed to USD)
UnitLaunchDate datetime
Date of fund unit at launch
UnitLaunchPrice decimal
Price of fund unit at launch
PriceCurrency string
PriceCurrencyCode string
EstimatedOrdinaryShareLaunchNav decimal
Estimated Net Asset Value of ordinary shares at launch
AmountRaised integer
Amount raised
AmountRaisedAsAtDate datetime
Specifies the date that the amount raised was taken
MaximumNumberOfOrdinarySharesOffered integer
Maximum amount of ordinary shares that are offered for purchase
MaximumNumberOfOrdinarySharesInIssue integer
Maximum amount of ordinary shares that are in issue


Property Data Type Description
InternalFundCode guid
ClassName string
Name of class
ClassType string
Class type; retail or institutional. Investor restrictions
ClassMinimalName string
The minimal description of the class, without currency, hedged status, retail/institutional or the word "Class"
BaseCurrency string
Currency in which the fund is denominated (ISO 4217 format)
BaseCurrencyCode string
BloombergCode string
Bloomberg code
UnitType string
If Income, the investor receives dividends. If Accumulation, income will be re-invested back into the fund
InternalCode string
Any internal code used to identify the fund
IsinCode string
ISIN identification code
MexCode string
MEX code
EpicCode string
ReutersCode string
Reuters code
SedolCode string
SEDOL code
Citicode string
NameAbbreviated string
Abbreviated name of investment. This is frequently an internal acronym
Name string
Full name of investment. This tends to be only the fund level name without the group prefix
NamePreferred string
Name of investment preferred for marketing. This will often include the fund group name as well
UnitName string
Name of the investement at unit level
CompanyRegistrationNumber string
Registration number for the company
LocalMarketCode string
Code for the stock in its local market (e.g. EPIC)
SectorName string
FullName string
FullNameSearch string
ShortName string
ProductId string
LegalUmbrellaName string
Legal Umbrella name used in regulatory documentations and templates
LegalSubFundName string
Legal sub fund name used in regulatory documentations and templates
LegalClassName string
Legal class name used in regulatory documentations and templates


Property Data Type Description
Team TeamMember[]
Fund management team
AdministratorId string
The party responsible for the administrative duties associated with an investment fund, such as the calculation of the net asset value (<abbr title="Net Asset Value">NAV</abbr>), proper accounting and the recording of the issue and redemption of fund shares or units
AuthorisedCorporateDirector string
Authorised Corporate Director; authorised person who looks after an <abbr title="Open-Ended Investment Company">OEIC</abbr>
CustodianId string
A regulated institution (typically a bank) providing the safekeeping of the fund's assets in accordance with the applicable fund regulations. For some types of fund the custodian has additional monitoring functions
RegistrarId string
An institution or organization that is responsible for maintaining records of bondholders or shareholders. If you are the owner of a bond or a share in a company you will be registered as an owner by one of these institutions
TrusteeDepositoryId string
Trustee for Unit Trusts or Depositary for <abbr title="Open-Ended Investment Company">OEICs</abbr>. This would be a bank or company which holds funds or securities deposited by others, and where exchanges of these securities take place
ActivelyManaged string
Fund management strategy. This refers to whether the fund is actively managed by a fund manager or team, or is a tracker that is passively managed and has a portfolio that mirrors the components of a market index
InternalGroupCode guid
AbbreviatedGroupName string
Abbreviated name of group
GroupDealingTelNumber string
Dealing telephone number
GroupEnquiriesEmail string
Email address for group enquiries
GroupFaxNumber string
The group's fax number
GroupAddress string
The group's physical address
GroupHomepage string
URL of the group's homepage
GroupTelNumber string
The group's telephone number
GroupEtf boolean
Is this an ETF only Fund Group?
GroupLongName string
Long name of the group
GroupMenuName string
A short version of the group's name, best suited to be used in menus and drop down lists.
GroupShortName string
Short name of group
UnderlyingGroupShortName string
GroupType string
Type of the group (e.g. Life & Pension)
FcaAcdReference integer
ContractConfirmationContact string
PriceFileContact string
IssuingCompany string
FundCommentary string
IsFundCommentaryRequired boolean
FundCommentaryAccurateDate datetime
InvestmentPhilosophy string
FundDescription string
UnderlyingFundDescription string
InvestmentProcess string


Property Data Type Description
Id guid
Code used for internal use
Name string
Fund manager's name
Photo string
Fund manager's photo
PositionWithinTeam integer
Position of team member if necessary. This allows the fund manager or team members to be ordered which is often required for factsheet layouts
StartDate datetime
Fund managed since this date. This is the date that the fund manager began to manage this fund. Please note that this may differ from the date that the manager joined the fund group
Role string
Role of team member. This allows a breakdown of team roles but Primary is frequently applied to all member of a fund team
Bio string
Biography of the fund manager
Location string
Location of the fund manager


Property Data Type Description
EusdEffectiveDate datetime
When the European Union Savings Directive came into effect
EusdStatus string
The status of the fund with regard to the European Savings Directive 2003/48/EC; UK paying agents are required to report individual is resident or the entity established. The funds qualify as paying agents, and dividends distributed by any of the funds to individuals or specified entities in relevant countries will be subject to the Directive if more than 15% of that fund's assets are invested in debt claims (as defined in the Directive). Proceeds realised by unit holders on the redemption or sale of units in a fund will be subject to the Directive if more than 25% of that fund's assets are invested in debt claims
FcaRecognised boolean
FCA Recognised
DerivativesAllowed string
Does the fund objective allow it to hold derivatives? Values include; Yes - for investment purposes, Yes - for EPM purposes, Yes - for both investment purposes and EPM purposes, or No
RegulatoryStatus string
Regulatory status values; UCITS, NURS, QIS or Other


Property Data Type Description
ChargesToCapital boolean
Part, or all of the periodic annual management fee(s) and expenses may be charged to capital which could increase the potential for the capital value of the investment to be eroded. The capital could also decrease if income withdrawals exceed the growth rate of the fund(s)
ConcentratedPortfolio boolean
These funds may invest in a relatively smaller number of stocks. This stock concentration may carry more risk than funds spread across a larger number of companies. What figure is considered to be "relatively small" is left to the discretion of the fund group
DepositorySolvency boolean
The value of a cash or currency fund may be affected if any of the institutions with which cash is deposited becomes insolvent or experiences other financial difficulties
DerivativeExposure boolean
The fund invests in derivatives as part of its investment strategy, over and above their use for Efficient Portfolio Management (EPM). Investors should be aware that the use of these instruments can, under certain circumstances, increase the volatility and risk profile of the Fund beyond that expected of a fund that only invests in equities. The fund may also be exposed to the risk that the company issuing the derivative may not honour their obligations which in turn could lead to losses arising
DirectProperty boolean
The fund invests in property funds, property shares or direct property. The property market is illiquid and this can, in exceptional circumstances, lead to times in which clients are unable to dispose of part or all of their holding. Property valuations are made by independent agents but are ultimately subjective and a matter of judgement. Property transaction costs are high
EmergingMarkets boolean
The fund invests in emerging markets. These are generally less well regulated than the UK. There is an increased chance of political and economic instability with less reliable custody, dealing and settlement arrangements. The market(s) can be less liquid. If a fund investing in markets is affected by currency exchange rates, the investment could either increase or decrease. These investments therefore carry more risk
EthicalRestrictions boolean
The fund is unable to invest in certain sectors and companies due to the ethical criteria used to select investments for the fund
ExchangeRate boolean
This fund invests in securities outside the UK. The value of investments and any income from them may therefore decrease or increase as a result of changes in exchange rates between currencies
GearedInvestments boolean
The fund focuses on geared investments. Funds which focus on geared investments such as warrants or options carry a higher degree of risk than other equity investments because of the risk of the underlying investments. It is possible that the fund may suffer sudden and large falls in value so that the short fall on cancellation, or the loss of the realisation on the investment at any time after the investor has bought the contract, could be very high and could even equal the amount invested, in which case you would get nothing back
HighYieldBonds boolean
The fund invests in high yield bonds. High yield bonds carry a greater risk of default than investment grade bonds, and economic conditions and interest rate movements will have a greater effect on their price. Income levels may not be achieved and the income provided may vary
HighRisk boolean
This fund is specifically aimed at sophisticated investors and is particularly high risk, because it concentrates on a region that may be exposed to unusual political or economic risks. You should only invest if you are comfortable with the specific risks pertaining to the fund in question. If you are not familiar with these you should ask us for a copy of the provider's key features and brochure
IncomeErodingGrowth boolean
The fund focuses on providing an income, which can reduce the prospects for capital growth, and in some cases the capital value may fall
Inflation boolean
This will always be Yes
LongTermInvestments boolean
Investments should be regarded as long term and are not suitable for money which may be needed in the short term, you should always have a sufficient cash reserve
BondIssuerSolvency boolean
The value of a cash or currency fund may be affected if any of the institutions with which cash is deposited becomes insolvent or experiences other financial difficulties
Liquidity boolean
This fund can suffer from partial or total illiquidity, which may lead to considerable price fluctuations and the inability to redeem your investment
NewFundCharges boolean
The charges and expenses may make up a higher proportion of a newly launched fund than initially estimated
Offshore boolean
The fund is not UK domiciled, and investors are not normally entitled to compensation through the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme
PerformanceCharges boolean
This fund makes charges that depend on the fund's performance. For full details please refer to the fund prospectus
ReturnsAreNotGuaranteed boolean
What you receive when you sell your investment is not guaranteed; it depends on how your investments perform. This will always be Yes
SectorSpecific boolean
The fund invests in specific sectors. Funds which invest in specific sectors may carry more risk than those spread across a number of different sectors. They may assume higher risk, as markets/sectors can be more volatile. In particular, gold, technology funds and other focused funds can suffer as the underlying stocks can be more volatile and less liquid
SmallerCompanies boolean
The fund invests in smaller companies. Smaller companies shares can be more volatile and less liquid than larger company shares, so smaller companies funds can carry more risk
TaxationTaxRelief boolean
This will always be Yes
UmbrellaLiabilities boolean
If the liabilities of one fund were to exceed its assets, the other funds within the scheme might have to transfer across money to cover the liabilities
ValueOfInvestments boolean
The value of investments, and any income can fall, as well as rise, so you could get back less than you invested. Neither capital nor income is guaranteed


Property Data Type Description
Kiids KiidCharges
Charges that appear on the <abbr title="Key Investor Information Document">KIID</abbr>
Srri SrriRisk
The Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator (SRRI)


Property Data Type Description
ExitCharge decimal
Exit charge taken from the <abbr title="Key Investor Information Document">KIID</abbr>
InitialCharge decimal
Initial charge taken from the <abbr title="Key Investor Information Document">KIID</abbr>
OngoingCharge decimal
Ongoing charge taken from the <abbr title="Key Investor Information Document">KIID</abbr>


Property Data Type Description
ValidatedSrri integer
The Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator (SRRI) an assessment of risk that has been validated


Property Data Type Description
SettlementBuyPeriod integer
SettlementSellPeriod integer
DecimalRounding integer
PricingBasis string
RoundingUpDown string
ClassMinimumInvestment integer
ClassMinimumTopUp integer
ClassMinimumRegularSavings integer
ClassRegularSavingsAvailable boolean
ClassWrappedRegularSavingsGroup boolean
ClassUnwrappedRegularSavingsGroup boolean
ClassWrappedRegularSavingsPlatform boolean
ClassUnwrappedRegularSavingsPlatform boolean
ClassMinimumWithdrawal integer
ClassMinimumHolding integer
MinimumWaived boolean
EmxDealing boolean
SwiftDealing boolean
FaxDealing boolean
PhoneDealing boolean
ApplicationFormRequired string
LowAssumedGrowthRate decimal
DeductionEffectLowGrowthRate decimal
HighAssumedGrowthRate decimal
DeductionEffectHighGrowthRate decimal
HasHigherGrowthRate boolean
AdvanceRedemptionNotice boolean
UnitRedemptionOrder string
ValuationFrequency string
ValuationDay string
ValuationLocalTime time
ValuationCutOffTime time
ValuationTimeZone string


Property Data Type Description
CouponFrequency string
CouponFrequencyId integer
IssuerIndustry string
CouponRate decimal
MaturityDate string
IssuerName string


Property Data Type Description
PricingMethodology string
SinglePricingType string
MaximumNumberOfPossibleDecimalsShares integer
MaximumNumberOfPossibleDecimalsNAV integer
SplitReferenceDate datetime
SplitRatio double
MinimalSubscriptionCategory string
MinimalInitialSubscriptionInShares integer
MinimalInitialSubscriptionInAmount integer
CurrencyOfMinimalSubscription string
MinimalSubsequentSubscriptionInShares integer
MinimalSubsequentSubscriptionInAmount integer
MinimalRedemptionCategory string
MinimalInitialRedemptionInShares integer
MinimalInitialRedemptionInAmount integer
CurrencyOfMinimalRedemption string
MinimalSubsequentRedemptionInShares integer
MinimalSubsequentRedemptionInAmount integer
DividendAnnouncementDate datetime
DividendExDate datetime
DividendPaymentDate datetime
DividendGross double
DividendNet double
TaxDeductedReinvestedAmount double
TaxDeductedReinvestedAmountReferenceDate datetime
FrequencyOfDistributionDeclaration string
ShareClassNAVHedge string
ShareClassDistributionPolicy string
ShareClassCurrency string
IsLeveraged boolean
MaximumLeverageInFund double
Has130_30Strategy boolean
FundValuationPoint time
ValuationFrequency string
FundValuationPointTimeZone string
FundValuationPointTimeZoneUsingTZDatabase string
TradeDate integer
TimeZoneForCutOffForSubscriptionAndRedemption string
TimeZoneForCutOffUsingTZDatabase string
CutOffTimeForSubscription time
HasPrePaymentForSubscription boolean
PrePaymentDaysForSubscription integer
PrePaymentCutOffTimeForSubscription time
SettlementPeriodForSubscription integer
CalendarOrBusinessDaysForTransactions string
CutOffTimeForRedemption time
FrequencyOfSubscription string
HasPrenoticeForSubscription boolean
SubscriptionNoticePeriod integer
WeeklySubscriptionDealingDays string
MonthlySubscriptionDealingDays string
YearlySubscriptionDealingDays string
DealingDaysOfMultipleSubscriptionTradeCycles string
IrregularSubscriptionDealingDays string
PrenoticeCutoffForSubscription time
SubscriptionTradeCyclePeriod string
NumberOfPossibleSubscriptionsWithinPeriod integer
HasLockUpForRedemption boolean
LockUpComment string
FrequencyOfRedemption string
HasPrenoticeForRedemption boolean
RedemptionNoticePeriod integer
RedemptionTradeCyclePeriod string
NumberOfPossibleRedemptionsWithinPeriod integer
WeeklyRedemptionDealingDays string
MonthlyRedemptionDealingDays string
YearlyRedemptionDealingDays string
DealingDaysOfMultipleRedemptionTradeCycles string
IrregularRedemptionDealingDays string
PrenoticeCutoffForRedemption time
SettlementPeriodForRedemption integer


Property Data Type Description
IncomeDates IncomeDates
Income or dividend dates
IncomeDetails IncomeDetails
Income or dividend details
Yields Yields
Yield data and type of yield paid out to investors
IncomeDistributions IncomeDistributions
AccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
Unit IncomeFullDateDetails[]
Income dates at unit level
Class IncomeDateDetails[]
Income dates at class level
Fund IncomeDateDetails[]
Income dates at fund level
VctDates IncomeDateDetails[]
Income dates for <abbr title="Venture Capital Trust">VCTs</abbr>
ClassFirstIncomePaymentDate datetime
The first income payment date at class level
FundFirstIncomePaymentDate datetime
The first income payment date at fund level
NextIncomePaymentDate DayAndMonth
The next income payment date due to happen


Property Data Type Description
AccountEndDate datetime
ExDividendDate datetime
IncomePaymentDate datetime
FinalPayment boolean


Property Data Type Description
AccountEndDate DayAndMonth
Account end or declaration date. The date when the next dividend payment is announced
ExDividendDate DayAndMonth
Expected date that the class goes ex-dividend. This is the date which separates who is eligible to receive the dividend. If a sale is before this date the dividend belongs to the new owner
IncomePaymentDate DayAndMonth
Expected date that class dividends are distributed to investors
FinalPayment boolean
The last payment in the financial calendar


Property Data Type Description
Day integer
Day that the payment will be made
Month integer
Month that the payment will be made


Property Data Type Description
UnitBasisXdivDateWkdHol string
UnitBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation string
UnitIncomeFrequency string
UnitIncomeTreatment string
ClassBasisXdivDateWkdHol string
In event of ex-dividend date falling on a weekend/bank holiday does payment carry back, stay on holiday date or go forward to next business day?
ClassBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation string
Explanation of how the payment date changes when ex-dividend date falls on a weekend/bank holiday
ClassIncomeFrequency string
Frequency of class dividend distribution
ClassIncomeTreatment string
Is the class income treated as Interest or Dividend. If more than 60% of the total net assets of the fund are fixed interest stocks, income will be treated as Interest. Otherwise it will be treated as dividend
FundBasisXdivDateWkdHol string
In event of ex-dividend date falling on a weekend/bank holiday does payment carry back, stay on holiday date or go forward to next business day?
FundBasisXdivDateWkdHolExplanation string
Explanation of how the payment date changes when ex-dividend date falls on a weekend/bank holiday
FundIncomeFrequency string
Frequency of fund dividend distribution
FundIncomeTreatment string
Is the income treated as Interest or Dividend. If more than 60% of the total net assets of the fund are fixed interest stocks, income will be treated as Interest. Otherwise it will be treated as dividend
Guarantee boolean
Is the income guaranteed?
IncomeFrequency string
Frequency of the dividend distribution
ClassPaymentBasis string


Property Data Type Description
Bond Bond
Yield information for bond securities
Equity Equity
Yield information for equity securities
RelevantYield decimal
Based on Income Treatment in packet 10/10a; this field is populated from Bond or Equity
Type string
This will be either Equity or Bond to determine which yield to use
AccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
DistributionYield decimal
Distribution yield for fixed income investments; calculated using the historic distributions and Net Asset Value
UnderlyingYield decimal
Underlying yield for fixed income investments; calculated income for the next 12 months, taking into account expended and purchase prices
YieldDate datetime
The date the yield was calculated
ChargesToCapital string
Does the fund take charges from the fund's capital? It should be outlined in the fund's Point-of-Sale documentation
DistributionBasis string
Distribution basis (will either be; Effective Yield Basis or Coupon Basis)
AccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
HistoricYield decimal
Historic yield; measured using several years worth of yields and compared with current performance
YieldDate datetime
The date the yield was calculated
ChargesToCapital string
Does the fund take charges from the fund's capital? It should be outlined in the fund's Point of Sale documentation
CapitalChargesDistributionIncrease decimal
Capital charges distribution increase
DividendYield decimal
AccurateDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
IncomeDistribution IncomeDistribution[]


Property Data Type Description
ExDividendDate datetime
Date that the investment goes ex-dividend based on historical data
IncomePaymentDate datetime
Date that dividends are distributed to investors based on historical data
DistributionRate decimal
Distribution rate is the income per unit. Calculated by using the daily price of a unit within the fund
EqualisationRate decimal
Dividend payments payable before the ex-dividend date
CurrencyCode string
Abbreviation of the currency of payments
CurrencyName string
Currency of the payments
YieldType string
This will be either Equity or Bond to determine which yield to use
InterestDividend string
The dividend interest
PaymentType string
How the payments will be paid; interest or dividends


Property Data Type Description
LipperPerformance LipperPerformance
MorningStarPerformance MorningStarPerformance
FinexPerformance FinexPerformance
TrusteePerformance TrusteePerformance
ManagerDataPerformance ManagerDataPerformance
HsbcPerformance HsbcPerformance


Property Data Type Description
Details LipperDetailsData
Details of investment from Lipper
Prices LipperPriceData
Benchmark guid
CumulativePerformance LipperPerformanceData[]
Cumulative performance from Lipper
DiscretePerformanceHeaders DiscretePerformanceHeader[]
DiscretePerformance LipperPerformanceData[]
Discrete performance data from Lipper
MonthEndCumulativePerformance LipperPerformanceData[]
Cumulative performance data at month end from Lipper
MonthEndDiscretePerformance LipperPerformanceData[]
Discrete performance data at month end from Lipper
QuarterEndCumulativePerformance LipperPerformanceData[]
Cumulative performance data at quarter end from Lipper
QuarterEndDiscretePerformance LipperPerformanceData[]
Discrete performance data at quarter end from Lipper
StatisticalRisk LipperStatisticalRiskData[]
Statistical risk data from Lipper


Property Data Type Description
BenchmarkId guid
Benchmark identification used to compare performance
LipperCode string
Identification code from Lipper
PrimaryUnitLipperCode string
Primary unit code from Lipper at unit level
Currency string
Currency as defined by Lipper
CurrencyCode string
Currency code as defined by Lipper
IaSectorId guid
<abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector used for identification of security
GlobalSectorId guid
Global Sector used for identification
UkOffshoreSectorId guid
UK Offshore Sector used for identification
AbiSectorId guid
<abbr title="Association of British Insurers">ABI</abbr> Sector used for identification
IsPrimaryUnit boolean


Property Data Type Description
Date datetime
Date of price given
Currency string
Currency of the price figure
CurrencyCode string
Currency code of the price
NetAssetValue decimal
Pre-tax Net Asset Value Million denominated
Bid decimal
Pre-tax bid price
Offer decimal
Pre-tax offer price
PreviousDate datetime
Date that price change is relative to
NetAssetValueChange decimal
Million denominated pre-tax Net Asset Value change since Previous Price Date
BidChange decimal
Pre-tax bid price change since Previous Price Date
OfferChange decimal
Pre-tax offer price change since Previous Price Date


Property Data Type Description
TimeSpan string
The time period represented
PeriodStartDate datetime
Time period start date
PeriodEndDate datetime
Time period end date
NetLocalCurrency decimal
Performance figure, net, in fund's local currency
QuartileNetGbp integer
Net quartile in GBP
SectorRankNet integer
The rank of the fund within its peers
SectorCountNet integer
The number of funds in the sector
NetGbp decimal
Performance figure, net (after tax) in GBP
GrossLocalCurrency decimal
Performance figure, gross (before tax) in fund's local currency
QuartileGrossGbp integer
Gross quartile in GBP
SectorRankGross integer
The rank of the fund within its peers
SectorCountGross integer
The number of funds in the sector
GrossGbp decimal
Performance figure, gross (before tax) in GBP
RelevantGbpPerformance decimal


Property Data Type Description
TimeSpan string
PeriodStartDate datetime
PeriodEndDate datetime


Property Data Type Description
Type string
PeriodStartDate datetime
PeriodEndDate datetime
GrossLocalCurrency decimal
GrossGbp decimal
NetLocalCurrency decimal
NetGbp decimal


Property Data Type Description
Details MorningStarDetailsData
Details of investment from Morningstar
Prices MorningStarPriceData
Benchmark guid
DiscretePerformance MorningStarDiscretePerformanceData[]
Discrete performance data from Morningstar
CumulativePerformance MorningStarCumulativePerformanceData[]
Cumulative performance from Morningstar
MonthEndDiscretePerformance MorningStarDiscretePerformanceData[]
Discrete performance data at month end from Morningstar
MonthEndCumulativePerformance MorningStarCumulativePerformanceData[]
Cumulative performance data at month end from Morningstar
QuarterEndDiscretePerformance MorningStarDiscretePerformanceData[]
Discrete performance data at quarter end from Morningstar
QuarterEndCumulativePerformance MorningStarCumulativePerformanceData[]
Cumulative performance data at quarter end from Morningstar


Property Data Type Description
BenchmarkId guid
MsCode string
PrimaryUnitMsCode guid
Currency string
CurrencyCode string
IaSectorId string
FundIaSectorId guid
AbiSectorId guid
Category MorningstarBenchmark


Property Data Type Description
Name string


Property Data Type Description
Date datetime
Date of price from Morningstar
Currency string
Currency price figure is in from Morningstar
CurrencyCode string
Currency code of price figure from Morningstar
NetAssetValue decimal
Million denominated pre-tax Net Asset Value from Morningstar
Bid decimal
Pre-tax bid price from Morningstar
Offer decimal
Pre-tax offer price from Morningstar
Mid decimal
Pre-tax mid price from Morningstar
PreviousClosingBid decimal
LastUpdate datetime
Date and time price was last updated within Morningstar RTPP
MarketCapitalisation decimal
TradingCurrencyCode string


Property Data Type Description
TimeSpan string
The time period the row represents
PeriodStartDate datetime
PeriodEndDate datetime
PerformanceDate datetime
The date the performance data was produced
Currency string
Currency of the price figure
TotalReturn decimal
TotalReturnPostTax decimal
IaSectorAbsoluteRank integer
Absolute rank of the performance in the <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector
IaSectorNumberFunds integer
The number of funds for <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector
IaSectorQuartileRank integer
Quartile rank in <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector
MsCategoryAbsoluteRank integer
Absolute rank in the MS Category
MsCategoryNumberOfFunds integer
The number of funds for MS Category
MsCategoryQuartileRank integer
Quartile rank in MS Category
IaSectorAbsoluteRankPostTax integer
Absolute rank of the performance in the <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector - Post tax
IaSectorNumberFundsPostTax integer
The number of funds for <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector - Post tax
IaSectorQuartileRankPostTax integer
Quartile rank in <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector - Post tax
MsCategoryAbsoluteRankPostTax integer
Absolute rank in the MS Category - Post tax
MsCategoryNumberOfFundsPostTax integer
The number of funds for MS Category - Post tax
MsCategoryQuartileRankPostTax integer
Quartile rank in MS Category - Post tax


Property Data Type Description
TimeSpan string
The time period the row represents
PeriodStartDate datetime
PeriodEndDate datetime
PerformanceDate datetime
Currency string
Currency of the price figure
TotalReturn decimal
The incremental consecutive periods of the calulated total return
TotalReturnPostTax decimal
IaSectorAbsoluteRank integer
Absolute rank of the performance in the <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector
IaSectorNumberFunds integer
The number of funds for <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector
IaSectorQuartileRank integer
Quartile rank in <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector
MsCategoryAbsoluteRank integer
Absolute rank in the MS Category
MsCategoryNumberOfFunds integer
The number of funds for MS Category
MsCategoryQuartileRank integer
Quartile rank in MS Category
IaSectorAbsoluteRankPostTax integer
Absolute rank of the performance in the <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector - Post tax
IaSectorNumberFundsPostTax integer
The number of funds for <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector - Post tax
IaSectorQuartileRankPostTax integer
Quartile rank in <abbr title="Investment Association">IA</abbr> Sector - Post tax
MsCategoryAbsoluteRankPostTax integer
Absolute rank in the MS Category - Post tax
MsCategoryNumberOfFundsPostTax integer
The number of funds for MS Category - Post tax
MsCategoryQuartileRankPostTax integer
Quartile rank in MS Category - Post tax


Property Data Type Description
Details FinexDetailsData
Details of investment from Finex
Benchmark guid
Benchmark used to compare performance
Performance FinexPerformanceData
Performance data from Finex
MonthEndPerformance FinexPerformanceData
Performance at month end from Finex
QuarterEndPerformance FinexPerformanceData
Performance at quarter end from Finex
Price FinexPriceData
Pricing data from Finex
DiscretePerformanceHeaders DiscretePerformanceHeader[]


Property Data Type Description
Citicode string
TrackingError decimal
Describes how well a fund tracks its benchmark.
ForSaleIn string
Countries the fund is registered for sale in
LegalStructure string
Legal Structure for this fund
NameOfSector string
Sector name that the fund is in
CrownRating string
Finex Crown rating given to the fund
AbiSector guid
Reference to <abbr title="Association of British Insurers">ABI</abbr> sector


Property Data Type Description
UnitMonthEnd3Month decimal
Unit month end performance, 3 month
UnitMonthEnd6Month decimal
Unit month end performance, 6 month
UnitMonthEnd12Month decimal
Unit month end performance, 12 month
UnitMonthEnd36Month decimal
Unit month end performance, 36 month
UnitMonthEnd60Month decimal
Unit month end performance, 60 month
UnitMonthEnd12To24Month decimal
Unit month end performance, 12 to 24 month
UnitMonthEnd24To36Month decimal
Unit month end performance, 24 to 36 month
UnitMonthEnd36To48Month decimal
Unit month end performance, 36 to 48 month
UnitMonthEnd48To60Month decimal
Unit month end performnace, 48 to 60 month
SectorMonthEnd3Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 3 month
SectorMonthEnd6Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 6 month
SectorMonthEnd12Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 12 month
SectorMonthEnd36Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 36 month
SectorMonthEnd60Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 60 month
SectorMonthEnd12To24Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 12 to 24 month
SectorMonthEnd24To36Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 24 to 36 month
SectorMonthEnd36To48Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 36 to 48 month
SectorMonthEnd48To60Month decimal
Sector month end performance, 48 to 60 month
UnitCumulative1Month decimal
Unit cumulative performance, 1 month
UnitCumulative3Month decimal
Unit cumulative performance, 3 month
UnitCumulative6Month decimal
Unit cumulative performance, 6 month
UnitCumulative12Month decimal
Unit cumulative performance, 12 month
UnitCumulative36Month decimal
Unit cumulative performance, 36 month
UnitCumulative60Month decimal
Unit cumulative performance, 60 month
UnitCumulativeYearToDate decimal
Unit cumulative performance, year-to-date
UnitCumulativeSinceLaunch decimal
Unit cumulative performance, since launch
SectorCumulative1Month decimal
Sector cumulative performance, 1 month
SectorCumulative3Month decimal
Sector cumulative performance, 3 month
SectorCumulative6Month decimal
Sector cumulative performance, 6 month
SectorCumulative12Month decimal
Sector cumulative performance, 12 month
SectorCumulative36Month decimal
Sector cumulative performance, 36 month
SectorCumulative60Month decimal
Sector cumulative performance, 60 month
SectorCumulativeYearToDate decimal
Sector cumulative performance, year-to-date
SectorCumulativeSinceLaunch decimal
Sector cumulative performance, since launch
UnitCumulativeRank1Month integer
Unit cumulative performance rank, 1 month
UnitCumulativeRank3Month integer
Unit cumulative performance rank, 3 month
UnitCumulativeRank6Month integer
Unit cumulative performance rank, 6 month
UnitCumulativeRank12Month integer
Unit cumulative performance rank, 12 month
UnitCumulativeRank36Month integer
Unit cumulative performance rank, 36 month
UnitCumulativeRank60Month integer
Unit cumulative performance rank, 60 month
UnitCumulativeRankYearToDate integer
Unit cumulative performance rank, year-to-date
UnitCumulativeRankSinceLaunch integer
Unit cumulative performance rank, since launch
UnitRankDiscrete12To24Month integer
Unit discrete rank performance, 12 to 24 month
UnitRankDiscrete24To36Month integer
Unit discrete rank performance, 24 to 36 month
UnitRankDiscrete36To48Month integer
Unit discrete rank performance, 36 to 48 month
UnitRankDiscrete48To60Month integer
UnitRankDiscrete0To12Month integer
Unit discrete rank performance, 0 to 12 month
UnitCumulativeRankTotal1Month integer
Unit cumulative rank performance total, 1 month
UnitCumulativeRankTotal3Month integer
Unit cumulative rank performance total, 3 month
UnitCumulativeRankTotal6Month integer
Unit cumulative rank performance total, 6 month
UnitCumulativeRankTotal12Month integer
Unit cumulative rank performance total, 12 month
UnitCumulativeRankTotal36Month integer
Unit cumulative rank performance total, 36 month
UnitCumulativeRankTotal60Month integer
Unit cumulative rank performance total, 60 month
UnitCumulativeRankTotalYearToDate integer
Unit cumulative rank performance total, year-to-date
UnitCumulativeRankTotalSinceLaunch integer
Unit cumulative rank performance total, since launch
UnitRankDiscreteTotal12To24Month integer
Unit discrete performance rank total 12 to 24 month
UnitRankDiscreteTotal24To36Month integer
Unit discrete performance rank total 24 to 36 month
UnitRankDiscreteTotal36To48Month integer
Unit discrete performance rank total 36 to 48 month
UnitRankDiscreteTotal48To60Month integer
Unit discrete performance rank total 48 to 60 month
UnitRankDiscreteTotal0To12Month integer
Unit discrete performance rank total 0 to 12 month
UnitQuartile1Month integer
Unit quartile performance 1 month
UnitQuartile3Month integer
Unit quartile performance 3 month
UnitQuartile6Month integer
Unit quartile performance 6 month
UnitQuartile12Month integer
Unit quartile performance 12 month
UnitQuartile36Month integer
Unit quartile performance 36 month
UnitQuartile60Month integer
Unit quartile performance 60 month
UnitQuartileYearToDate integer
Unit quartile performance year-to-date
UnitQuartileSinceLaunch integer
Unit quartile performance since launch
UnitQuartile12To24Month integer
Unit quartile performance 12 to 24 month
UnitQuartile24To36Month integer
Unit quartile performance 24 to 36 month
UnitQuartile36To48Month integer
Unit quartile performance 36 to 48 month
UnitQuartile48To60Month integer
Unit quartile performance 48 to 60 month
UnitQuartile0To12Month integer
Unit quartile performance 0 to 12 month


Property Data Type Description
BidPrice decimal
The bidding price of the fund unit from Finex
OfferPrice decimal
The offer price of the fund unit from Finex
MidPrice decimal
The mid price of the fund from Finex
Yield decimal
Income per unit divided by the price per unit from Finex
PriceDate datetime
The moment the pricing was extracted/calculated from Finex
Alpha decimal
Fund's performance in comparison to its benchmark
Beta decimal
A statistical estimate of a fund's volatility by comparison to that of its benchmark
Sharpe decimal
Level of a fund's return over and above the return of a notional risk-free investment
Volatility decimal
The degree of daily price fluctuations
InformationRatio decimal
Assesses the degree to which a manager uses skill and knowledge to enhance returns


Property Data Type Description
Prices TrusteePriceData


Property Data Type Description
Date datetime
Currency string
CurrencyCode string
NetAssetValue decimal
Bid decimal
Offer decimal


Property Data Type Description
Details ManagerDetailsData
Benchmark guid
CumulativePerformance ManagerPerformanceData[]
DiscretePerformance ManagerPerformanceData[]
MonthEndCumulativePerformance ManagerPerformanceData[]
MonthEndDiscretePerformance ManagerPerformanceData[]
QuarterEndCumulativePerformance ManagerPerformanceData[]
QuarterEndDiscretePerformance ManagerPerformanceData[]


Property Data Type Description
BenchmarkId guid


Property Data Type Description
TimeSpan string
PeriodStartDate datetime
PeriodEndDate datetime
NetLocalCurrency decimal
QuartileNetGbp integer
SectorRankNet integer
SectorCountNet integer
NetGbp decimal
GrossLocalCurrency decimal
QuartileGrossGbp integer
SectorRankGross integer
SectorCountGross integer
GrossGbp decimal
RelevantGbpPerformance decimal


Property Data Type Description
Price HsbcPrice
HistoricPrices HsbcPrice[]


Property Data Type Description
BidPrice decimal
OfferPrice decimal
PriceChange decimal
PriceDate datetime
BidNAVDate datetime
PriceCurrency string


Property Data Type Description
AppropriateFundIdentifier string
AppropriateFundIdentifierType string
FinancialInstrumentName string
FinancialInstrumentCurrency string
Complexity string
ComplexityAccurateDate datetime
ComplexityLastUploadedDate datetime
EmtData EmtDataItem[]
EmtV3Data EmtV3DataItem[]
EmtV31Data EmtV31DataItem[]
EmtV4Data EmtV4DataItem[]
EmtV41Data EmtV41DataItem[]
EmtV42Data EmtV42DataItem[]


Property Data Type Description
Id guid
UnitId guid
LastUpdated datetime
ReportingDate datetime
FinancialInstrumentCurrency string
FinancialInstrumentLegalStructure string
FinancialInstrumentIssuerName string
FinancialInstrumentGuarantorName string
ProductCategoryOrNature string
LeveragedFinancialInstrumentOrContingentLiabilityInstrument string
InvestorTypeRetail string
InvestorTypeProfessional string
InvestorTypeEligibleCounterparty string
BasicInvestor string
InformedInvestor string
AdvancedInvestor string
ExpertInvestorGermany string
NoCapitalLoss string
LimitedCapitalLoss string
LimitedCapitalLossLevel decimal
NoCapitalGuarantee string
LossBeyondCapital string
RiskTolerancePriipsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceUcitsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceInternalMethodologyForNonPriipsAndNonUcits string
RiskToleranceForNonPriipsAndNonUcitsSpain integer
NotForInvestorsWithTheLowestRiskToleranceGermany string
ReturnProfilePreservation string
ReturnProfileGrowth string
ReturnProfileIncome string
ReturnProfileHedging string
OptionOrLeveragedReturnProfile string
ReturnProfileOther string
ReturnProfilePensionSchemeGermany string
TimeHorizon string
MaturityDate datetime
MayBeTerminatedEarly string
SpecificInvestmentNeed string
ExecutionOnly string
ExecutionWithAppropriatenessTestOrNonAdvisedServices string
InvestmentAdvice string
PortfolioManagement string
StructuredSecuritiesQuotation string
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentEntryCost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCost decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentTypicalExitCost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentExitCostStructuredSecuritiesPriorRhp decimal
FinancialInstrumentOngoingCosts decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExAnte decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExAnte decimal
OneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostsStructuredSecuritiesExitCostExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentOngoingCostsExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesOngoingCostsExPostAccumulated decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExPost decimal
BeginningOfCalculationPeriod datetime
EndOfCalculationPeriod datetime
IsTranslated boolean


Property Data Type Description
EmtProducerName string
EmtProducerLei string
EmtProducerEmail string
EmtDataReportingTargetMarket string
EmtDataReportingExAnte string
EmtDataReportingExPost string
FinancialInstrumentCurrency string
FinancialInstrumentPerformanceFee string
FinancialInstrumentDistributionOfCash string
GeneralReferenceDate datetime
FinancialInstrumentProductType string
MaturityDate datetime
MayBeTerminatedEarly string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerName string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerLei string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerEmail string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerProductGovernanceProcess string
FinancialInstrumentGuarantorName string
FinancialInstrumentTypeNotionOrItemBased string
ProductCategoryOrNatureGermany string
StructuredSecuritiesProductCategoryOrNature string
StructuredSecuritiesQuotation string
LeveragedFinancialInstrumentOrContingentLiabilityInstrument string
FundShareClassWithoutRetrocession string
ExPostCostCalculationBasisItaly string
TargetMarketReferenceDate datetime
InvestorTypeRetail string
InvestorTypeProfessional string
InvestorTypeEligibleCounterparty string
BasicInvestor string
InformedInvestor string
AdvancedInvestor string
ExpertInvestorGermany string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanNotBearCapitalLoss string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLimitedCapitalLoss string
LimitedCapitalLossLevel decimal
CompatibleWithClientsWhoDoNotNeedCapitalGuarantee string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLossBeyondCapital string
RiskTolerancePriipsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceUcitsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceInternalMethodologyForNonPriipsAndNonUcits string
RiskToleranceForNonPriipsAndNonUcitsSpain integer
NotForInvestorsWithTheLowestRiskToleranceGermany string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForPreservation string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForCapitalGrowth string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForIncome string
ReturnProfileHedging string
OptionOrLeveragedReturnProfile string
ReturnProfilePensionSchemeGermany string
MinimumRecommendedHoldingPeriod string
IntendedCompatibleWithClientsHavingEsgPreferences string
OtherSpecificInvestmentNeed string
ExecutionOnly string
ExecutionWithAppropriatenessTestOrNonAdvisedServices string
InvestmentAdvice string
PortfolioManagement string
GrossOneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredProductsEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentTypicalExitCost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentExitCostStructuredProductsPriorRhp decimal
FinancialInstrumentGrossOngoingCosts decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExAnteUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExAnte decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmountExAnte decimal
ExAnteCostsReferenceDate datetime
GrossOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesExitCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentEntryCostAcquired decimal
FinancialInstrumentOngoingCostsExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesOngoingCostsExPostAccumulated decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExPostUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExPost decimal
BeginningOfReferencePeriod datetime
EndOfReferencePeriod datetime
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmount decimal
EmtVersion string
IsTranslated boolean


Property Data Type Description
EmtVersion string
EmtProducerName string
EmtProducerLei string
EmtProducerEmail string
EmtDataReportingTargetMarket string
EmtDataReportingExAnte string
EmtDataReportingExPost string
FinancialInstrumentCurrency string
FinancialInstrumentPerformanceFee string
FinancialInstrumentDistributionOfCash string
GeneralReferenceDate datetime
FinancialInstrumentProductType string
MaturityDate datetime
MayBeTerminatedEarly string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerName string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerLei string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerEmail string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerProductGovernanceProcess string
FinancialInstrumentGuarantorName string
FinancialInstrumentTypeNotionOrItemBased string
ProductCategoryOrNatureGermany string
StructuredSecuritiesProductCategoryOrNature string
StructuredSecuritiesQuotation string
LeveragedFinancialInstrumentOrContingentLiabilityInstrument string
FundShareClassWithoutRetrocession string
ExPostCostCalculationBasisItaly string
TargetMarketReferenceDate datetime
InvestorTypeRetail string
InvestorTypeProfessional string
InvestorTypeEligibleCounterparty string
BasicInvestor string
InformedInvestor string
AdvancedInvestor string
ExpertInvestorGermany string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanNotBearCapitalLoss string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLimitedCapitalLoss string
LimitedCapitalLossLevel decimal
CompatibleWithClientsWhoDoNotNeedCapitalGuarantee string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLossBeyondCapital string
RiskTolerancePriipsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceUcitsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceInternalMethodologyForNonPriipsAndNonUcits string
RiskToleranceForNonPriipsAndNonUcitsSpain integer
NotForInvestorsWithTheLowestRiskToleranceGermany string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForPreservation string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForCapitalGrowth string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForIncome string
ReturnProfileHedging string
OptionOrLeveragedReturnProfile string
ReturnProfilePensionSchemeGermany string
MinimumRecommendedHoldingPeriod string
IntendedCompatibleWithClientsHavingSustainabilityPreferences string
OtherSpecificInvestmentNeed string
ExecutionOnly string
ExecutionWithAppropriatenessTestOrNonAdvisedServices string
InvestmentAdvice string
PortfolioManagement string
GrossOneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredProductsEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentTypicalExitCost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentExitCostStructuredProductsPriorRhp decimal
FinancialInstrumentGrossOngoingCosts decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExAnteUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExAnte decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmountExAnte decimal
ExAnteCostsReferenceDate datetime
GrossOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesExitCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentEntryCostAcquired decimal
FinancialInstrumentOngoingCostsExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesOngoingCostsExPostAccumulated decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExPostUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExPost decimal
BeginningOfReferencePeriod datetime
EndOfReferencePeriod datetime
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmount decimal
EsgCategoryForGermanMarket string
EsgFocus string
EsgLabelOrStandard string
AmfDoctrine string


Property Data Type Description
EmtVersion string
EmtProducerName string
EmtProducerLei string
EmtProducerEmail string
EmtDataReportingTargetMarket string
EmtDataReportingExAnte string
EmtDataReportingExPost string
FinancialInstrumentCurrency string
FinancialInstrumentPerformanceFee string
FinancialInstrumentDistributionOfCash string
GeneralReferenceDate datetime
FinancialInstrumentProductType string
MaturityDate datetime
MayBeTerminatedEarly string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerName string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerLei string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerEmail string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerProductGovernanceProcess string
FinancialInstrumentGuarantorName string
FinancialInstrumentTypeNotionOrItemBased string
ProductCategoryOrNatureGermany string
StructuredSecuritiesProductCategoryOrNature string
StructuredSecuritiesQuotation string
LeveragedFinancialInstrumentOrContingentLiabilityInstrument string
FundShareClassWithoutRetrocession string
ExPostCostCalculationBasisItaly string
TargetMarketReferenceDate datetime
InvestorTypeRetail string
InvestorTypeProfessional string
InvestorTypeEligibleCounterparty string
BasicInvestor string
InformedInvestor string
AdvancedInvestor string
ExpertInvestorGermany string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanNotBearCapitalLoss string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLimitedCapitalLoss string
LimitedCapitalLossLevel decimal
CompatibleWithClientsWhoDoNotNeedCapitalGuarantee string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLossBeyondCapital string
RiskTolerancePriipsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceUcitsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceInternalMethodologyForNonPriipsAndNonUcits string
RiskToleranceForNonPriipsAndNonUcitsSpain integer
NotForInvestorsWithTheLowestRiskToleranceGermany string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForPreservation string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForCapitalGrowth string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForIncome string
ReturnProfileHedging string
OptionOrLeveragedReturnProfile string
ReturnProfilePensionSchemeGermany string
MinimumRecommendedHoldingPeriod string
DoesThisFinancialInstrumentConsiderEndClientSustainabilityPreferences string
OtherSpecificInvestmentNeed string
ExecutionOnly string
ExecutionWithAppropriatenessTestOrNonAdvisedServices string
InvestmentAdvice string
PortfolioManagement string
GrossOneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredProductsEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentTypicalExitCost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentExitCostStructuredProductsPriorRhp decimal
FinancialInstrumentGrossOngoingCosts decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExAnteUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExAnte decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmountExAnte decimal
ExAnteCostsReferenceDate datetime
GrossOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesExitCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentEntryCostAcquired decimal
FinancialInstrumentOngoingCostsExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesOngoingCostsExPostAccumulated decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExPostUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExPost decimal
BeginningOfReferencePeriod datetime
EndOfReferencePeriod datetime
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmount decimal
IsTranslated boolean


Property Data Type Description
EmtVersion string
EmtProducerName string
EmtProducerLei string
EmtProducerEmail string
EmtDataReportingTargetMarket string
EmtDataReportingExAnte string
EmtDataReportingExPost string
FinancialInstrumentCurrency string
FinancialInstrumentPerformanceFee string
FinancialInstrumentDistributionOfCash string
GeneralReferenceDate datetime
FinancialInstrumentProductType string
MaturityDate datetime
MayBeTerminatedEarly string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerName string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerLei string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerEmail string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerProductGovernanceProcess string
FinancialInstrumentGuarantorName string
FinancialInstrumentTypeNotionOrItemBased string
ProductCategoryOrNatureGermany string
StructuredSecuritiesProductCategoryOrNature string
StructuredSecuritiesQuotation string
LeveragedFinancialInstrumentOrContingentLiabilityInstrument string
FundShareClassWithoutRetrocession string
ExPostCostCalculationBasisItaly string
TargetMarketReferenceDate datetime
InvestorTypeRetail string
InvestorTypeProfessional string
InvestorTypeEligibleCounterparty string
BasicInvestor string
InformedInvestor string
AdvancedInvestor string
ExpertInvestorGermany string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanNotBearCapitalLoss string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLimitedCapitalLoss string
LimitedCapitalLossLevel decimal
CompatibleWithClientsWhoDoNotNeedCapitalGuarantee string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLossBeyondCapital string
RiskTolerancePriipsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceUcitsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceInternalMethodologyForNonPriipsAndNonUcits string
RiskToleranceForNonPriipsAndNonUcitsSpain integer
NotForInvestorsWithTheLowestRiskToleranceGermany string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForPreservation string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForCapitalGrowth string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForIncome string
ReturnProfileHedging string
OptionOrLeveragedReturnProfile string
ReturnProfilePensionSchemeGermany string
MinimumRecommendedHoldingPeriod string
DoesThisFinancialInstrumentConsiderEndClientSustainabilityPreferences string
OtherSpecificInvestmentNeed string
ExecutionOnly string
ExecutionWithAppropriatenessTestOrNonAdvisedServices string
InvestmentAdvice string
PortfolioManagement string
GrossOneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredProductsEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentTypicalExitCost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentExitCostStructuredProductsPriorRhp decimal
FinancialInstrumentGrossOngoingCosts decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExAnteUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExAnte decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmountExAnte decimal
ExAnteCostsReferenceDate datetime
GrossOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesExitCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentEntryCostAcquired decimal
FinancialInstrumentOngoingCostsExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesOngoingCostsExPostAccumulated decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExPostUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExPost decimal
BeginningOfReferencePeriod datetime
EndOfReferencePeriod datetime
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmount decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExAnteUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExPostUk decimal
EmtDataReportingVfmUk string
IsAssessmentOfValueRequiredUnderCollUk string
OutcomeOfCollAssessmentOfValueUk integer
OutcomeOfPrinValueAssessmentOrReviewUk integer
OtherReviewRelatedToValueAndOrChargesUk string
FurtherInformationUk string
ReviewDateUk datetime
ReviewNextDueUk datetime


Property Data Type Description
EmtVersion string
EmtProducerName string
EmtProducerLei string
EmtProducerEmail string
EmtDataReportingTargetMarket string
EmtDataReportingExAnte string
EmtDataReportingExPost string
FinancialInstrumentCurrency string
FinancialInstrumentPerformanceFee string
FinancialInstrumentDistributionOfCash string
GeneralReferenceDate datetime
FinancialInstrumentProductType string
MaturityDate datetime
MayBeTerminatedEarly string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerName string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerLei string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerEmail string
FinancialInstrumentManufacturerProductGovernanceProcess string
FinancialInstrumentGuarantorName string
FinancialInstrumentTypeNotionOrItemBased string
ProductCategoryOrNatureGermany string
StructuredSecuritiesProductCategoryOrNature string
StructuredSecuritiesQuotation string
LeveragedFinancialInstrumentOrContingentLiabilityInstrument string
FundShareClassWithoutRetrocession string
ExPostCostCalculationBasisItaly string
TargetMarketReferenceDate datetime
InvestorTypeRetail string
InvestorTypeProfessional string
InvestorTypeEligibleCounterparty string
BasicInvestor string
InformedInvestor string
AdvancedInvestor string
ExpertInvestorGermany string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanNotBearCapitalLoss string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLimitedCapitalLoss string
LimitedCapitalLossLevel decimal
CompatibleWithClientsWhoDoNotNeedCapitalGuarantee string
CompatibleWithClientsWhoCanBearLossBeyondCapital string
RiskTolerancePriipsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceUcitsMethodology integer
RiskToleranceInternalMethodologyForNonPriipsAndNonUcits string
RiskToleranceForNonPriipsAndNonUcitsSpain integer
NotForInvestorsWithTheLowestRiskToleranceGermany string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForPreservation string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForCapitalGrowth string
ReturnProfileClientLookingForIncome string
ReturnProfileHedging string
OptionOrLeveragedReturnProfile string
ReturnProfilePensionSchemeGermany string
MinimumRecommendedHoldingPeriod string
DoesThisFinancialInstrumentConsiderEndClientSustainabilityPreferences string
OtherSpecificInvestmentNeed string
ExecutionOnly string
ExecutionWithAppropriatenessTestOrNonAdvisedServices string
InvestmentAdvice string
PortfolioManagement string
GrossOneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredProductsEntryCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentMaximumEntryCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostNonAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostFixedAmountItaly decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentMaximumExitCostAcquired decimal
OneOffCostsFinancialInstrumentTypicalExitCost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentExitCostStructuredProductsPriorRhp decimal
FinancialInstrumentGrossOngoingCosts decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExAnteUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFee decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExAnte decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExAnte decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmountExAnte decimal
ExAnteCostsReferenceDate datetime
GrossOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
NetOneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesEntryCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostStructuredSecuritiesExitCostExPost decimal
OneOffCostFinancialInstrumentEntryCostAcquired decimal
FinancialInstrumentOngoingCostsExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesOngoingCostsExPostAccumulated decimal
FinancialInstrumentBorrowingCostsExPostUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentManagementFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentDistributionFeeExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExPost decimal
FinancialInstrumentIncidentalCostsExPost decimal
BeginningOfReferencePeriod datetime
EndOfReferencePeriod datetime
StructuredSecuritiesReferencePriceExPost decimal
StructuredSecuritiesNotionalReferenceAmount decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExAnteUk decimal
FinancialInstrumentTransactionCostsExPostUk decimal
EmtDataReportingVfmUk string
IsAssessmentOfValueRequiredUnderCollUk string
OutcomeOfCollAssessmentOfValueUk integer
OutcomeOfPrinValueAssessmentOrReviewUk integer
OtherReviewRelatedToValueAndOrChargesUk string
FurtherInformationUk string
ReviewDateUk datetime
ReviewNextDueUk datetime
FinancialInstrumentIndirectCostsOpenEndedExAnteUK decimal
FinancialInstrumentIndirectCostsClosedEndedExAnteUK decimal
FinancialInstrumentRealAssetsCostsExAnteUK decimal
FinancialInstrumentIndirectCostsOpenEndedExPostUK decimal
FinancialInstrumentIndirectCostsClosedEndedExPostUK decimal
FinancialInstrumentRealAssetsCostsExPostUK decimal
DoesFinancialInstrumentProduceClientFacingDisclosuresUK string


Property Data Type Description
PublishedSri integer
The currently published SRI value available in the PRIIPs KID
PublishedSriAsAtDate datetime
The date that the currently published SRI was published
PerformanceScenario PerformanceScenario
The various possible returns based on different scenrios
ClassPastPerformance ClassPastPerformance
Up to 10 years of annual performance for the fund
BenchmarkPastPerformance BenchmarkPastPerformance[]
Up to 5 benchmarks to compare against the Class Past performance
Content ContentText


Property Data Type Description
AsAtDate datetime
The date the figures in the Performance Scenarios were published
Stress Stress
The potential returns on investment under a stressful scenario
Unfavourable Unfavourable
The potential returns on investment under an unfavourable scenario
Moderate Moderate
The potential returns on investment under a moderate scenario
Favourable Favourable
The potential returns on investment under a favourable scenario
KIDInvestmentAmount integer
The example investment of a class


Property Data Type Description
Stress_Return_1yr decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after 1 year in a stressful scenario
Stress_Return_Mid decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after the midpoint of the recommended holding period in a stressful scenario
Stress_Return_RHP decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after the recommended holding period in a stressful scenario
Stress_Amt_1yr decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after 1 year in a stressful scenario
Stress_Amt_Mid decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after the midpoint of the recommended holding period in a stressful scenario
Stress_Amt_RHP decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after the recommended holding period in a stressful scenario


Property Data Type Description
Unfavourable_Return_1yr decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after 1 year in an unfavourable scenario
Unfavourable_Return_Mid decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after the midpoint of the recommended holding period in an unfavourable scenario
Unfavourable_Return_RHP decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after the recommended holding period in an unfavourable scenario
Unfavourable_Amt_1yr decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after 1 year in an unfavourable stressful scenario
Unfavourable_Amt_Mid decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after the midpoint of the recommended holding period in an unfavourable scenario
Unfavourable_Amt_RHP decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after the recommended holding period in an unfavourable scenario


Property Data Type Description
Moderate_Return_1yr decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after 1 year in a moderate scenario
Moderate_Return_Mid decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after the midpoint of the recommended holding period in a moderate scenario
Moderate_Return_RHP decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after the recommended holding period in a moderate scenario
Moderate_Amt_1yr decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after 1 year in a moderate stressful scenario
Moderate_Amt_Mid decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after the midpoint of the recommended holding period in a moderate scenario
Moderate_Amt_RHP decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after the recommended holding period in a moderate scenario


Property Data Type Description
Favourable_Return_1yr decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after 1 year in a favourable scenario
Favourable_Return_Mid decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after the midpoint of the recommended holding period in a favourable scenario
Favourable_Return_RHP decimal
The potential return on investment if you withdraw from the fund after the recommended holding period in a favourable scenario
Favourable_Amt_1yr decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after 1 year in a favourable stressful scenario
Favourable_Amt_Mid decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after the midpoint of the recommended holding period in a favourable scenario
Favourable_Amt_RHP decimal
The potential cash returns based on a set invested amount if you withdraw from the fund after the recommended holding period in a favourable scenario


Property Data Type Description
AsAtDate datetime
The date the figures for the class past performance were published
Returns PastPerformance[]
The past performance figures for the classfor up to 10 years


Property Data Type Description
Year integer
The year the performance figures relate to
Value double
The performance figures


Property Data Type Description
Name string
The name of the benchmark the class is compared against
Benchmarks PastPerformance[]
The benchmark past performance the class is compared against


Property Data Type Description
PastPerformanceBarChartDisclaimerHeader string
PastPerformanceBarChartDisclaimerFooter string
PerformanceScenarioDisclaimer string


Property Data Type Description
ProductName string[]
AvivaRiskRating integer
ProtectedPrice decimal
FundSeries string
FundGroup string
AvivaInvestmentFundType string
AvivaRiskGeneral boolean
AvivaRiskForeignExchangeRisk boolean
AvivaRiskEmergingMarkets boolean
AvivaRiskSmallerCompanies boolean
AvivaRiskFixedInterest boolean
AvivaRiskDerivatives boolean
AvivaRiskCashFunds boolean
AvivaRiskPropertyFunds boolean
AvivaRiskHighYieldBonds boolean
AvivaRiskReinsuredFunds boolean
AvivaRiskLongTermAssetFunds boolean
PricesAndChargesSupression boolean
DifferenceInPrice decimal
FundId string
CitiCode string
SedolCode string
IsinCode string
Name string
FundClassName string
GroupName string
GroupAbbreviatedName string
FundName string
FundShortName string
FactsheetHRef string
Currency string
CurrencyCode string
InvestmentName string
AbiSector string[]
SeriesName string
UnderlyingFundId string
UnderlyingFundFactsheetHRef string
UnderlyingFundSPFactsheetHRef string
UnderlyingFundOBSRRating string
UnderlyingFundOBSRFactsheetHRef string
UnderlyingFundPublishingPublishData string
UnderlyingFundPublishingPublishDocuments string
UnderlyingFundCiticode string
UnderlyingFundInvestmentName string
TrusteeBid decimal
TrusteeOffer decimal
TrusteeYield decimal
ObsrRating integer
Performance3m decimal
Performance6m decimal
Performance1y decimal
Performance3y decimal
Performance5y decimal
Performance10y decimal
DisplayPerformance3m decimal
DisplayPerformance6m decimal
DisplayPerformance1y decimal
DisplayPerformance3y decimal
DisplayPerformance5y decimal
DisplayPerformance10y decimal
Alpha decimal
Beta decimal
Sharpe decimal
Volatility decimal
InetAlpha decimal
InetBeta decimal
InetSharpe decimal
InetVolatility decimal
DisplayAlpha decimal
DisplayBeta decimal
DisplaySharpe decimal
DisplayVolatility decimal
FinexPercentagePriceChange decimal
PerformanceDate datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate1yFrom datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate1yTo datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate2yFrom datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate2yTo datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate3yFrom datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate3yTo datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate4yFrom datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate4yTo datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate5yFrom datetime
PerformanceQuarterEndDate5yTo datetime
PerformanceQuarterEnd1y decimal
PerformanceQuarterEnd2y decimal
PerformanceQuarterEnd3y decimal
PerformanceQuarterEnd4y decimal
PerformanceQuarterEnd5y decimal
DisplayPerformanceQuarterEnd1y decimal
DisplayPerformanceQuarterEnd2y decimal
DisplayPerformanceQuarterEnd3y decimal
DisplayPerformanceQuarterEnd4y decimal
DisplayPerformanceQuarterEnd5y decimal
PerformanceDiscrete1y decimal
PerformanceDiscrete2y decimal
PerformanceDiscrete3y decimal
PerformanceDiscrete4y decimal
PerformanceDiscrete5y decimal
DisplayPerformanceDiscrete1y decimal
DisplayPerformanceDiscrete2y decimal
DisplayPerformanceDiscrete3y decimal
DisplayPerformanceDiscrete4y decimal
DisplayPerformanceDiscrete5y decimal
GroupId string
UnderlyingGroupId string
UnderlyingGroupMenuName string
UnderlyingGroupShortName string
UnderlyingGroupName string
Performance1m decimal
PerformanceSinceLaunch decimal
DisplayPerformance1m decimal
DisplayPerformanceSinceLaunch decimal
PerformanceQuarterEndDiscrete1y decimal
PerformanceQuarterEndDiscrete2y decimal
PerformanceQuarterEndDiscrete3y decimal
PerformanceQuarterEndDiscrete4y decimal
PerformanceQuarterEndDiscrete5y decimal
TER string
FundManager string
UnderlyingFundManager string
DisplayFundManager string
FinexAbiSectorId string
FinexAbiSectorName string
LaunchDate datetime
CrownRating integer
Obsr100 string
FundStatus string
CollectiveFundStatus string
Fund_type string
UnderlyingUnitType string
FinexBid decimal
FinexMid decimal
FinexOffer decimal
FinexPriceDate datetime
FinexMonthEndCurrency string
FinexMonthEndCurrencyCode string
PercentagePriceChange decimal
DailyDiscrete1Year decimal
DailyDiscrete2Year decimal
DailyDiscrete3Year decimal
DailyDiscrete4Year decimal
DailyDiscrete5Year decimal
DailyCumulative1Month decimal
DailyCumulative3Month decimal
DailyCumulative6Month decimal
DailyCumulative1Year decimal
DailyCumulative3Year decimal
DailyCumulative5Year decimal
DailyCumulative10Year decimal
DailyCumulativeSinceLaunch decimal
ExtraManagementCharge decimal
FMEC decimal
TotalAditionalYearlyCharge decimal
AnnualChargeImplicit decimal
DiscountedInitialCharge decimal
AnnualCharge decimal
DiscountedAnnualCharge decimal
IsForProfit boolean
PriipKidHRef string
PriipKidAccDate datetime
UiodHRef string
UiodAccDate datetime
Masterlists string[]